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Mexican game developer giving the gamers and youtubers some games to play :D

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I still remember when i started

Leos924 Blog

I remember when i started and i asked myself, "What scripting mean?" and now i know too much about scripting in unity but i think i need to learn C# too but maybe later when i have enough time and money of course but now im going to try something a little different: Android, because I enjoy too much playing games like "Dont touch the white tile" i think thats the name and another game about music i dont remember right now, but thats what i want to create a music hability game or maybe something like Angry Birds (A game where you can play just few minutes or an entire day), but i have to first install an android emulator to debug and try the game because i actually dont have a smartphone or a tablet (Im poor :( ) but maybe in some weeks i start developing an Android game, the time depends on how much time i have to spend in Enclosure...