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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.2

yes, until you capture a town and use the chancellor to change your factions culture. Or use morghs editor to change your troops

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.2

in the launcher, change the max framerate to half of whatever its at. Some factions cause lag in their towns or on battlefields.

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.2

I love the new armors, but have three problems with this version.

1. The invading factions all get wiped out immediately. None of them even got a castle in my playthrough.

2. The other factions are op when fighting the westerlands. Kingslanding was lost, tywin made peace with the north, and when the free folk came, the westerlands declared war again. a few in game months later, and theyve been picked apart by stark and baratheon. the iron islands also goes out very qickly if the westerlands lose KL. Also, theres no way to conquer westeros as you either need to fight stark and tully or tyrell and baratheon due to their alliances (Dorne was obliterated too).

3. Maybe tweak volantis a bit? they conquered almost all of essos in my playthrough. Little bit op

Good karma+4 votes
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.1 patch 1

2.1 is broken an no single patch will fix it. I started with a mallet that required 15 strength to use. After the rape i got by the games first bandit, my companions became transparent. Every castle has a minimum of 50 archers in it so good luck taking one of those. You can only get sellswords as patrols, so r.i.p op army of knights. The best armor and weapons require 20 strength, and even poor armor requires 16, so begin your grind fest early. And remember those knights you could buy at Oldtown and stonehedge? Cant buy troops anymore like that because **** you. The battle maps are really big, empty, colorless and hilly, but if slow paced battles are your thing then whatever.

So some steps to success are as follows.
1. do the basic starting quests for money, xp and strength
2. get enough money to buy a dyeworks in KL and LAnnisport
3. Get house Targaryen in on the action to aleave pressure on the westerlands and put it on the stromies. Join them if you want for vast looting opportunities.
4. Spam salt trade at Saltpans like a ************.
5. GET DUSKENDALE!!! Its tariffs are usually between 10000 and 25000 coins per week!
6. Join a faction to make the patrols have knights again.
7. Build up your well funded army of knights and longbowmen and either strike out on your own or stay a pleb to a games king.

PS dragonstone faction goes down very easily, and the riverlands new two handers are extremely susceptible to archers.

Good karma+4 votes
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ BitW 1.4 beta [full] [outdated]

Love the mod but a few things

Why is fellowship sooooo OP?
Why do looted villages burn with the intensity of Sam's hatred of Golem?
Why does Saruman look like a mangy dog?
Why does Faramir have a daughter?
Why do people keep calling me a woman?
And some of the armors dont properly fit the people theyre attached to (not talking about dwarves and hobbits either) Like some of the elvish lords.

Good karma+1 vote
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.0

look it up on youtube there are tons of tutorials

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 2.0

Cozur, you have these troops in the game, the sellsword Halberdiers that have really cool plate armor. Is their any way to get the armor in the game?? I cant find it an any market, westerros or essos.

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

Theres a bug where when you create your own kingdom and you conquer a castle, unless you personally take ownership the castles garrison dwindles to nothing

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn Patch 0.6.2

And the Balion soldiers are still too good need nerf pls

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn Patch 0.6.2

Would there be a way to turn off some of the invading factions? Like, Barbarians and Highlanders arent that cool, but all the major factions get wrecked by them. And the mod has tons of cool equipment, new castles etc; that were added to the base game. it'd just be more fun to play with a less clustered map and less invaders.

For example, i like to play with Swadians but its hard to advance in their hierachy because they get boned from all sides by invaders. Just doing a normal run through without 10 factions storming the map would be awesome.

Good karma+2 votes
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn patch 0.6.1

also theres this weird thing where after a a lord loses a city, their party becomes entirely elite troops

Irya gets 80 Axe Masters
Tismal gets 90 Quadakapulus(?)
Matheas gets 60 Juggernauts and ive seen other lords with huge armies like this too. Please nerf that somehow <3

Good karma+1 vote
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn patch 0.6.1

I love your mod dude, ive got a ton of hours on it, but omething has to be done about troop wages and the invaders. The invaders like the Geroians and Balions get tons of "knights" in their parties since they only have like 3 tiers of troops. And since the AI doesnt care about troop wages, the only person its blidingly painful on is the player. Please do something about these it makes the game very frustrating at times.

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ Hotfix 1.1 [OUTDATED]

No i just destroyed Greyiron but i cant recruit from their lands

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn Patch 0.6

everytime i hit download now, it doesnt start the download, and none of the mirrors are working. Any suggestions?

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn 0.5

Why you crash so much??

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn Patch 0.5.2

Can you do something for he County of Geroia faction? Each vassal carries around like 60 knights and the crossbowman and Infantry are OP due to armor. They win battles all the time, even against the worst odds

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn Patch 0.5.2

These are not save game compatable, something like missing_items_3229

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

Ive read through the comments and the trend is this.

-Some equipment takes a lot of strength, but thats just so a person has to try harder. Unfortunately, enemies with this powerful armor are abundant and the maps are usually hilly and extremely large, making battles very, very slow.
-It says only rarely do all 17 factions make it on the field, but after 2 days of gameplay theyre all in there own castle, which is then stacked with 900+ troops. The new factions quickly and easily overtake the original 6 factions, which is kind of sad.
-Diplomacy changes so much with 12+ factions a kingdom is never not at war, and it makes the map a huge mess.
-troops at the start are inexpensive, but useless against enemies of this mods caliber. Only expensive troops can do damage, making it hard to start a faction.


cut back on the invading factions numbers and strength (including armor), cut back on total castle troops, decrease armor strength and cost, and lower troop wages of tiers 6 up to 8 so the cool troops can be used.


Some armor pieces vanish when used together, such as vanishing gauntlets or helmets
Player gains RtR whenever a faction youre hired with makes peace
Script errors for invading factions looting villages


Good karma+1 vote
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

download the patch

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

disregard the companion one she returned but was gone for a month

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

Yeah ive been playing a bit more and it makes more sense in hindsight. But there were still a few real probs i found later that i added above

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KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

Adding on from earlier.
3.When companions leave to spread your claim, they sometimes dont come back
4. Whats the deal with Juggernauts? 680 skill with two handed, +90 armor, 720 coins per week cost??? Are these gods or men?
5. I defeated another lord from Rhodoks and got the loot. It was ridiculously OP loot, like 5 sets of Juggernaut armor (not complaining, just saying)
6. I come in first place every tournament, even when I was ranked seventh at the end of the last round

Good karma+1 vote
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A New Dawn

Cool mod but a few things first of all

1. Why are the castles and towns so mad stacked with troops?
2. Why is there some equipment that requires 25 strength? No one can get it to that level.

Its a great mod, but it could use a tiny bit of tweaking

Good karma+2 votes
KingRuss - - 24 comments @ A Clash of Kings 1.31

Is diplomacy even really possible in these mods cozur? I have a ton of hours logged on, but ive never been able to convince another faction to join me in a war. Any reason why or do i just suck at relations?

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