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KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Republic Commando: Battlefront v1.0

mmmk. so not only does this not add uber, GCW (of its own) to the era selection, the depot level crashes out if it tries to run survival.

this may or may not be due to some of the mods i have, but the maps that run RC stuff seem to work fine minus depot. i can't tell you what's going wrong. if it helps Dark times may be incompatable which might be causing that. it could also be something increadibly specific.

is there perhaps conflicts being created with any mod that modifies base maps or systems maybe? i'm not sure myself.
..I'll have to test with a fresh install tommorrow to be certain.

And yes i have the patches i need. had them for quite a while. 1.3 and the 1.1 patches. I'm going to experiment later and see what i can come up with...

Edit: Update. a fresh install of the entire thing (aka moving my current bf2 files out and getting them back through steam) seems to have made it work properly now. im not sure what's actually doing it on my other files, but i can always play the swapping game

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Shogun Supremacy(SubMod)

is this submod discontinued/ abandoned? it shows a lot of promise

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Calradia 1417

Shariz map's pathfinding is borked on its new map. troops stupidly don't advance, and its so awkward even the follow command can't circumvent it on eiher attacking or defending side. its pretty awkward having 2 big entry points and troops just standing there staring each other down while archers destroy the attacking side. its also broken enough that you can legitimately go fight them at their starting locations and they seem to mostly ignore you. did something in the pathfinding for that seige map break?

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Questions Poll

So this is ages late but i might as well ask what becomes of this mod for the forseeable future?

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ SWC The New Order Edition 2019.12.20

there is a outpost on the map that offers confederacy droids as well as another that offers clone troopers. they are considered mercenary forces though.

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ SWC The New Order Edition 2019.12.20

So did you hotfix gender mix ratio out on discord patch or this installment. because it seems to still be infecting everyone. except instead of twilek females its females in general. also ALL alien race females under the human category and twileks still suffer from missing hand texture if not wearing gloves...do the transparent gloves fix this issue maybe? because I've never seen invisible hands quite like these.

Edit: ok not everyone. certain race troops and not faction troops seem to be immune a % of the time. I'll...get back to you on that one.

Good karma+2 votes
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Calradia 1417 Patch v 1.2.1 DO NOT DOWNLOAD

Yes to battle continuation.

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ 2019.07.11 SWC The New Order Edition Patch

interesting bug is evidently the gender ratio calculation has decided to run haywire as literally all troops recruited from non storm troopers end up being female...and im unsure what has caused this. on top of being female they have all shifted to Twileks as well about...60-70% of the time and a mashup of humans if not that. (meaning everyone has missing hands)

Another interesting bug is on death or knockout occassionlly people develop this foot quite literally up their bum which looks like a improper texture bug of some kind? it does not always happen, but frequently during training scenes or melee weapon combat if that helps.

(about that missing hands thing...:)
all females, or just twileks as i mostly note it with them in about 80% of armors that require gloves have missing hand texture. legit the hands are just not there. on your or soldiers with this bug. if you look at it on the character page you see they are in fact transparent however. camo tech is evidently that good.

A couple less harsh bugs, namely how you can help a village and then immediately lose relation points for some unknown reason. also the under attack settlement thing needs serious readjustment or you need to be allowed an option of landing with an entourage of units...when you have 30 guys spawn in thats just not fair. that's 30 guys you expected to shoot before being outshot, and the villagers die instantly because they get spawned on top of. mercs recruited have a chance to be a DIFFERENT set of mercenaries from the same instance of the cantinc (though it appears to be related to the ones you've last talked to if that helps.

I'm sure I'll find more. if I do I'll just reply to this post specifically.

Good karma+2 votes
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Disable Wound system

Yikes...causes the nude body textures files to spaz out and make it all black and glitchy...restoring the old mission tmeplates fixed it and yes...it was on a new game. what in the actual world happened?

said something like couldn't load the textures or something like that despite me not moving them at all in settings. its annoying because going out to training fields its absolutely noticable.

Good karma+1 vote
KaleShibata - - 10 comments @ Gekokujo Daimyo Edition 3.1

The fix for wounds does not work even when starting new game: Broken ribs confirmed took almost 30days from the injury date (may 13th till June 9th to get the notice for the rib healing. so likely replacing the files didn't properly work and apply that fix at all. mind you this is just the ONE injury. took that long to heal.

The wound system is interesting, but clearly does not work as intended. there's no page to give you an idea of how long the injury is going to afflict you for (which would bne nice helpling to determine how long each injury lasts before realizing if fixes to it work.)

Good karma+3 votes