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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 126)
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

100% - I've extracted all the voice files from W1, 2, 3 and Thronebreaker and aim to use them for units! Some units already have lines but not all yet! :)

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

No planned release date; we are doing this for fun/in our own free time and thus the development can be fast one week and barely anything the next, so there's no telling when it might be out!

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

We aim to have a bunch of historic camapigns! :)

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Try the one on the right side of the page where it says: "Homepage"

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Thank you for the kind words and thank you! Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you also!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

No expected release date; developing at our own pace!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

When elements of the campaign map are in a good state we shall show previews of them! :)

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Judging by your comments you are a very kind pleasant person! Comments like yours are a great source of motivation! Thank you for the very kind words!

Good karma+4 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

This is very much the way we're doing things; one thing at a time, for now for me it is one (or so) unit at a time which is easy and comfortable for me! Slow and steady shall win the race, means we don't burn ourselves out so we can keep going at a rate that suits us!

Thank you for following for so long and for the kind words!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

When the Nile runs from east to west!

We cannot determine when the release may be because we don't work on this at a regular rate; this is a hobby, not something we're going to burn ourselves out on! Life events may get in the way, things cannot be determined how long they may take! All updates will be posted here and/or on the Discord! When it is ready we will post all about it!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

When the sun rises from the west!

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

That does indeed sound like Skellige, yes, and yes, they will be a featured faction: 'Clans of Skellige' - We already have a good bunch of their units already in the mod (from here and forward: Moddb.com)

Skellige is a series of isles with 7 different clans, each ruled by a different hereditary jarl, but over all it is ruled over by an elected high king/queen!

We do not have enough faction slots to make the clans autonomous, so we merged them into the one faction; however the clans will be represented by different building lines where you can train that clan's units, with each clan being slightly different from one another! You can only build one clan building in a settlement!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Still going! Should be a new update very soon! Just needed a break! :)

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Thank you to you and all those who have expressed such kind words! I try and not let the pressure get to me but sometimes it's easier said than done... But it is comments like this do help me move along and create! <3

Modding takes time and is a hobby; it doesn't pay the bills and RL often gets in the way and is priority! I will be making this at the pace I'm most comfortable! One day I do hope to deliver our hard work! :)

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Most of the action in the games and books does take place in the North, but in this mod we wanted to develop the Southern Realms more; build upon what lore is known about them, have them be playable; maybe not as developed as Redania or Temeria let's say; those factions will get more love, but have the Southern factions be totally viable factions!

Building on this and the map in question, thinking about gameplay; the North will be cramped with many choke points, able to reach the next kingdom over pretty quickly, city battles being more common! Multiple kingdoms fighting over limited space would explain a lot why there's constant wars up there!

The South however will be sparse! The player would need to travel a turn or two to reach their enemy, lots of open ground, more based around field battles! Would explain how Nilfgaard was able to steamroll these kingdoms with their large number of cavalry!

These two different styles of gameplay would offer players different experiences if they wished to play on either end of the map!

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Thank you for the kind words! <3

The mod hasn't been released in any form yet; it isn't in a state to be released yet! Still moseying along with development at our own paces!

Good karma+4 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War


I've been busy! - I have new units in the works, and I've been experimenting with things modding-wise! Posts will come out when they're ready to!

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

There is a lot to consider when modding from units to music, to UI, to Strat map models, to what type of buildings will be present! If I were to list/answer all such things here, plus what has and hasn't been done, and there's the possibility that things may change from typing what needs to be done to mod release... Doing all that would turn into an essay!

In general, the overall plan and how things are, is this: develop units first and foremost, doesn't need to be every unit, I'm thinking units from the Witcher games (and some others like the PFI/lower tiered militia) will suffice! Once we have that we can fully begin to develop the first, smaller campaign; we have a full Grand Campaign map made (but all settlements are currently mainly villages), and the smaller campaigns will be cropped versions of the Grand Campaign map! Work on Strategy and Battle UI, music, etc! Much has already been planned; I have Word documents aplenty on my computer with lists of buildings and whatnot to be implemented! Make the said first campiagn, polish it, then playtest, call on others to playtest, balance it, release it! Then start devlopment on the next small campaign, we'll have UI and such already made so development on it/new aspects may be faster, playtest, balance, release, next campaign, devlop new aspects, test, balance, release, until we reach the point the Grand Campaign will be ready to be released!

Even that basic descriptor is longer than what I intended to type... :P But that is what I can give you for now until we feel ready to show more! Articles take time and we feel it'll only really be revelant to make ones when we have MUCH to say! The unit updates will keep coming to show that development is still moving forward, as well as other updates are shown on our Discord server! Thank you for following this project for a while; it really is my passion project and it means the world to me others are interested in this journey we're undertaking!

Good karma+4 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

No ETA, I'm afraid! - One cannot predict when it'll be in a release-able state as development is done as and when we please!

Good karma+1 vote
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ Ofiri Spearmen

We've actually moved on from having the Velen campaign being the first campaign! But these units will be available in what is proposed to be the new first campaign, and will be available in custom battles in every build of the mod!

Good karma+2 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Thanks for the kind words!

I am thinking (although it's just an idea right now, so don't take it as gospel) that the first release will be a 'custom battle only' build without a campaign, then after that we will release a version with a small campaign set in a specific area of the world with 2/3/4 factions, then release other small campaigns until we're ready to release the Grand Campaign!

Good karma+5 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

I mean, every update gets us closer to a release, but there's no release date in sight, I'm afraid!

Good karma+4 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

With the weapons, my aim was initially to reflect what I had seen in lore and the games; seeing the Footmen in W2 use a sword without a shield was my basis for the decision. But overtime I have started to ponder on this and may go back on this; of course I don’t see the initial decision as a BAD one, but logic and people expressing their thoughts, like yours, has brought me closer to accepting this and decide how else to use the unit slots.

Good karma+6 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Hi! Thank you for the kind words! :)

(Firstly, I can say that the plan is to implement multiple campaigns, the Grand Campaign will feature all of Nilfgaard’s vassals, but there will also be a campaign where below the Yaruga is solely Nilfgaard, no vassal faction in sight. But I shall continue with discussions on the Grand Campaign:)

For plans to try and curb a free-for-all in Nilfgaard I aim to implement the “can’t attack allies” function and make it so the A.I. will attack its allies EXTREMELY rarely, much like how it works in DaC. Of course not all vassals will share allegiances with one another and can go to war, making Big Daddy Nilfgaard decide who to side with. Plus Nilfgaard and its vassals will use the pope mechanics from vanilla, so if a vassal is naughty then it may have to face the consequences.

Nilfgaard will own territory and have garrisons throughout its provinces, from the Alba to Yaruga, giving it a link to the North, plus if a faction is a client kingdom then said factions and its ‘owner’ automatically get military access, so Nilfgaard won’t be a fragmented empire and would easily be able to assist a vassal, or deal with any rebellious vassals. You can focus directly on the North if you so wish, maybe calling an invasion using the pope mechanics, but putting all your eggs into the “Invade the North” basket would leave you vulnerable in your heartlands if a vassal nation decides it can take you. Players would need to find that balance.

Or you can decide as the player to invade all of your vassals, and indeed, Nilfgaard will use AoR and Hidden Resources to train Vassal Units from their respective regions, even if Nilfgaard destroys a vassal, there may be turncoats that are loyal to the empire. ;) (It is this “what if”-ness that I love about Total War! What if you went against lore, played as Kovir and Poviss and did a blitzkrieg across the North? What if Cintra overthrew Nilfgaard? What if the Scoia’tael won?)

Good karma+5 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

It's handling them pretty well, I'm not experiencing any frame drops on my laptop, even when a large number of units are on screen!

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Development is still going, don't fret! - We simply work on the mod as and when we please, so there's going to be breaks between updates! :)

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ Cutups

This unit's weapon pool has been changed to knives.

Good karma+3 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Would this be on battle maps or the UI?

Unique battle maps are a long way off, but I very much would love to implement new designs for them!

The UI for buildings is going to be based off the Thronebreaker style of art!

Good karma+4 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ Salamandra Mages

I am going to say I've seen what you've said on this modpage as well as others... I find your comments on female units and characters to be creepy and unsettling and makes me want to not add them at all!

Please stop commenting such things, on this page especially. If you persist I will delete your comments!

Good karma+13 votes
JasperKnowsYou - - 126 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

Thank you! I hope to deliver! :)

Good karma+5 votes