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Comment History
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Savage is playable on new laptops with integrated graphics like Intel's HD 3000+. So you don't have to wait!

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

I think that must be a problem local to your system, testing a fresh install here does not exhibit you issue.

I glad you got it working, have fun playing the game :-)

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Looks like the available graphics video modes are not being reported correctly via your driver. The client is trying to use a 0x0 pixel resolution with 0bit depth. Try editing the game/startup.cfg and setting:
setsave vid_mode 1

Failing that try setting the res by hand using setsave vid_mode* variables.

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Nothing helpful there. What do the last few lines of: ~/.savage/debug.log say?

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Can you give me anything else to go off like a ldd list, terminal error messages, strace etc?

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

The bug tracker is full of bugs old and new that are not related to your issue.

What Intel drivers are you using? The latest binaries from Intel's website?:

We don't support anything else because the open source drivers do not support S3 texture compression which has a proprietary license.

Have you the libs to run 32bit applications installed?

Ubuntu on Intel HD 3000 working here on my laptop. Rather than using the comments section I'd advise creating a post in our tech support forum or searching there for people that have had similar issues and solved them.

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

You will need to provide us with more details on your problem as this is not a currently know issue. If it persists try posting for help at our support forum:


Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Its been out of beta for sometime. We are on our 3rd Release Candidate which is currently rock solid stable but has some unfinished features that have been disabled like VOIP and the Beast tutorial. We plan to enable these features when we release version 1.0 in the coming months. We went down this route so that we could release our work early to the public to gather feedback. Saying that we regularly hotfix the RC3 clients & servers via our in house autoupdater to maintain its stability / apply security fixes (i.e. introduce new anti cheat measures).

If I'm being honest we should have renamed RC3 to version 1.0 when it became apparent that the general community would use this base install on a long term basis and renaming the up and coming release v2.0 but the installer was already widely available online. For the release of version 1.0 we plan to use a formal versioning strategy.

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

It depending on what time zone you're in. If your in the Euro zone then try:
Newerth.com <-(This is where I play)

If you're on the Americas then try:

Sunday evening's (like tonight) are the busiest time period and when you get the very best in games.

As a new player it's probably advised to stick with other groups of players and relocate unless you know you have a large numbers advantage. The key strength of humans is the ability to avoid death and retain the gold it costs to get the stronger units like the Legionnaire and is why you will see that beast die far more often than humans in the player statistics. It might sounds like you're always fleeing battle but this is quite realistic of war:

"He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again." - Tacitus

I hope you keep trying and get over the steep learning curve :-) There really is no other game like this and when you do master it you'll get a satisfaction you can't find from console-tard games that hold your hand.

Good karma+4 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

You might also find this strategy guide :


and the game wiki useful:


They are both full of tips on playing the game.

Good karma+5 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

Games can go either way depending on when you play, who is playing (one very good player or commander can cause a team to continuously win) and on what server you play on with smaller servers usually effected more by skill imbalances and players leaving (like in most fps games). The idea that "Humans are better at range" is true and is why it is generally a good idea to avoid melee confrontations with beast by using your Relocator item (or teleporter for people unfamiliar with the game).

Good karma+6 votes
iamdjango - - 12 comments @ Savage: The Battle for Newerth

We explored supporting 64bit on Linux and did have a version working at one point but currently don't have anyone to maintain and test it. If you would like to see a 64bit version then please feel free to contact us at newerth.com to contribute to development of the game :)

Good karma+5 votes