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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 34)
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Voice: Episode 2 (English Translation by WuHav)

It's good to find the translation for the second episode already. xD
Downloading. Thanks for the upload and translation too!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Voice: Episode 1-2

I've taken note: "DON'T USE THE MEDKIT". Thank you for the tip!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Voice: Episode 1-2

Not so bad with the buildo theme. This is the first mod I'm going to play based on the buildo atmosphere. Thanks for the translation!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ The Messenger - (Translated)

I've completed a run and liked the mod overall (even with its flaws), and if anyone would like to check it out, I've created a small addon for the mod: Moddb.com.
The initial difficulty was great and challenging, I had to carefully think about how to use the limited resources. The plot and some side quests were interesting too!
My only remark is that I'd have liked to see the mod use 100% vanilla models, as I find it a little strange how the existing characters in COP are reused here (except one, who undoubtedly fits in the atmosphere and the plot).

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ English Subtitles for Ukrainian [1.0006]

A faithful translation from the original source is a must. I'll give it a run in the future. Thanks very much for the translation and the fixes!
And apart from what you've mentioned before, did you remove this feature from the original InGameCC mod that is not vanilla?
"- player selectable wish at the Monolith (the mystery of the Zone can be revealed without the decoder)"
If possible, would you mind if I could use your version to release one with personal adjustments and the English text/audio files for the English vanilla game and the modified version for ZRP I'm working on?

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Fixed CS Normalmaps

This comes great for a new CS playthrough. Many thanks for fixing the texture files!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Mini-addon InGameSubs v0.3 for PRP v1.2 and Vanilla COP

I honestly thought they were going to take me more time, but vanilla CS and COP subtitles are finally available much sooner than expected, including a couple of optional QoL additions and better organized installation instructions!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ [Full English Repack + Patch 1] Vector of Alienation

This is a must-play mod! Many thanks for sharing and translating!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla+ Personal Mini Repack - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SOC Edition

Just finished the main storyline of the SOC mini-repack with Alternative Ballistics. It's running smoothly, and I'm really enjoying the enhanced combat experience.

Considering some small additions for the future to further improve the early game experience (these might require a new game for the future update):

- NPC Mechanic at Cordon: Inspired by similar mechanics in CS and COP, this NPC could offer basic repairs for weapons and protective suits, making it easier to maintain your gear in the early stages of the game.
- Increased Medkit/Bandage Availability: Early in the game, medical supplies can be scarce. An increase in these items from traders would make the initial stages less frustrating for players.

In addition, I've also noticed that ZRP introduces some changes to text files that offer a slightly different interpretation compared to the original vanilla text. To ensure accuracy and maintain a vanilla-friendly experience, I'll be carefully reviewing these text files.

While core ZRP functionalities will be maintained, I'll be offering optional, adapted vanilla text files as a separate feature for those who prefer a completely vanilla experience in terms of in-game text. This way, users can choose between maintaining ZRP's altered text messages or opting for the original vanilla wording.

Finally, I'm planning to tweak Alternative Ballistics for better player balance. Keep an eye out for updates!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Fix for Stalker Re-Animtion Project 1.2

Thank you for sharing this small fix!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ SRAP: SOC

This is a classic mod. I'm going to give it a look and see what I can find in it!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla+ Personal Mini Repack - v0.8 - Patch - SOC Edition

I've edited this comment to serve as a placeholder in case a future quick fix or small patch is needed for the mod before the next cumulative patch is released.

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ The Messenger - (Translated)

I'm sure I will! The mod looks great in the screenshots. It seems like it's only using vanilla assets, and I like them very much!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ The Messenger - (Translated)

This mod looks very vanilla. This is the first one I'm going to download. Thank you for the translation and the tips!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Stalker Clear Sky OGSM 1.8 CE - 2014 Ger/Eng

This mod looks interesting as much as OSRM. I'm going to download it, and I hope I'm not going to find many game-breaking bugs. xD

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Alternative Ballistics Core - v0.2 Addon - SOC Edition

I'm starting a playthrough with this Alternative Ballistics Core addon. Curious to see how it rebalances weapon lethality and firefight intensity. Having experience modding vanilla SOC and familiarity with its ballistics system, I'm interested to see how this addon changes the gameplay dynamics.

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla+ Personal Mini Repack - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: COP Edition

Hi. You can download PRP here: Moddb.com (or directly: Mediafire.com)

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Stalker Weapon Reanimation CoP

I've been trying out the mod, and it's definitely interesting! Coming from the vanilla games, it's taking some time to adjust to the new animations. Some of them feel a bit rough to me compared to what I'm used to. Still, thanks for creating this mod – it clearly takes a lot of dedication to make something like this!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Mini-update InGameCC mod v0.4 for ZRP 1.07 R5RC

Thank you for the kind words! I truly appreciate you letting me know about any more typos or mistakes you encounter!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla+ Personal Mini Repack - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SOC Edition

Thank you for the suggestion! In this mini-repack, I've kept the hunger effect from drinking vodka consistent with Call of Pripyat. While vanilla Shadow of Chernobyl doesn't trigger hunger with vodka, I aimed for a more unified experience across the games.

However, I completely understand if you find the current hunger level too high. If that's the case, I have two options for you:

1. I can offer you a modified file that reduces the hunger effect from vodka by 50%. This might provide a better balance for your preferences. Drive.google.com.

2. If you'd prefer more control, I can also provide a mini-tutorial explaining how to adjust this value yourself in the game files.

Just to add some context to my design choices, I view vodka as a temporary solution for low-level radiation poisoning. Relying solely on vodka for highly irradiated zones (like the Death Truck) isn't very effective. Anti-radiation pills are definitely better suited for those situations.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide a customizable experience. Please let me know if you'd like the modified file or the customization guide, and I'll be happy to help!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Stalker Weapon Reanimation CoP

That's fantastic to hear! I'm sure many Clear Sky fans will appreciate this adaptation. I'll be keeping an eye out for any updates.

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Stalker Weapon Reanimation CoP

This is a fantastic mod! I've always wanted to see the vanilla weapons unmirrored, and I'm glad this mod keeps the original textures intact. Are there any plans for future compatibility with Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl? I'm eager to try it out!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Mini-update InGameCC mod v0.4 for ZRP 1.07 R5RC

Great catch on the typo! You're absolutely right about the "payed" mistake in some dialogues. This was carried over from the original InGameCC mod.

I appreciate you pointing it out. I also wanted an updated subtitle mod, which is why I decided to create this one.

Proofreading is a challenge, especially with pre-existing transcriptions. Let's hope there aren't more typos or mistakes beyond the ones you've found!

Your feedback is very helpful, and feel free to let me know if you find any more errors.

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla+ Personal Mini Repack - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SOC Edition

Thanks so much for offering to test the mod! That's incredibly helpful! I believe I haven't introduced major new bugs beyond the fixed downed NPC issue in patch v0.3, as I haven't significantly modified vanilla or ZRP scripts.

I'm definitely open to suggestions, but keep in mind I'm currently finalizing the mod and major feature additions might not be possible. However, your feedback on minor tweaks is highly valuable.

Regarding alternative gameplay options, I'm considering an optional "Alternative Ballistics Core" addon inspired by Decane's work in SRP. This aligns better with my vision than a "Vanilla Twist Core" that might alter core mechanics like stamina and bleeding.

Please feel free to report any bugs you encounter during your playthrough.

It's also worth noting that some bugs might be from the vanilla game itself and haven't been fixed by ZRP. For example, there's a known CTD issue in the Army Warehouses under specific circumstances, even with just ZRP and the InGameCC mod installed. This seems to be an engine-related bug rather than a configuration or script issue.

This heads-up is just to manage expectations in case you encounter something similar!

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Old Storyline Restoration Mod (RMA)

This mod looks fantastic. I'm completely new to cut-content and story mods, but this one has been highly recommended. It seems like a perfect entry point for someone like me. Big thanks to whoever did the initial English translation. Looking forward to diving in!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Image 9

Glad you like the changes.

Good karma+2 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Mini-addon InGameSubs v0.3 for PRP v1.2 and Vanilla COP

Thanks for the suggestion! Porting to vanilla COP and CS is something I've definitely considered. It could be a fun challenge, but I can't make any promises at this time. There are other things on my development plate right now, but I'll keep it in mind for the future!

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Image 9

Thanks for the feedback! I understand some players might find the little guy icon helpful. The icon was initially removed to achieve a cleaner look, similar to CS and COP.

To cater to player preferences, I'll be making some changes:
1. Restoring the icon by default.
2. Creating an optional, alternative HUD that:
2.1. Removes the icon.
2.2. Adjusts sound/endurance/visibility indicators for a more familiar (CS/COP) layout on the right side.
3. Deleting the outfit information by default.
4. Creating an optional that:
4.1. Adds the outfit information.

Good karma+3 votes
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gasmask replacement

It's really a nice addon, I had only to change the backpack texture to the original one used by the stalkers, and it made the addon perfect. 9/10.

Good karma+1 vote
forgottenspiral - - 34 comments @ Vanilla Weapons Adjusted

The mod looks interesting, and I'd like to have vanilla weapons with some tweaks and fixes. Thanks for the vanilla version!

Good karma+1 vote