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I'm a 20 year-old engineering student (CS) from Belgium, and I'm currently involved in Nuclear Dawn, a multiplayer modification for the Source engine.

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Compiling Source SDK on Linux

Forceflow Blog

Blogpost about Compiling Source SDK on linux

Since its release in 2004 Valve’s Source engine has been a popular platform for professional and indie game developers alike. A combination of great publicity through good games (Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead), functionality and solid mod support (I blogged about Steamworks earlier) has made it continue the legacy of the GoldSource engine. I’ve learned the nuts & bolts the hard way, and I thought a quick rundown on how to compile the Source SDK on a linux-based system would be useful. Technical mumbo-jumbo behind the cut.

Little heads-up

Forceflow Blog

Hi there,

Here's a little test of the Moddb blog functionality and a heads-up on what I'm doing at the moment. I'm working on some private web-oriented applications now, as well as cooking some basic stuff up in the JMonkey engine.

I think it's fair to say that development on ND has pretty much come to a halt in the last months. Hopper's getting married and SpK is over his frenchy ears into Battlefield: Heroes testing. I really hope we can push it out the door someday, but right now, it sure doesn't look good.

If nothing comes of it, we might just wrap it all up and let another mod team have a go at it. It would be a complete shame to let all the good assets and resources gone to waste.

I'll keep you posted,
