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FAXIME is a startup dedicated to the devlopment of games for mobile platforms. Project SpaceVille will be a life simulador where the players main goal is building a prosper and sustainable comunity , keeping the values of mutual aid and friendship. The Insider Program starts starts September 1st! FAXIME will be at WebSummit 2017 in November!

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Hi everyone!
Today's concept is our lovely main character and a concept of an alien. These were one of the first concepts we've had! You've probably seen the main character before but I bet you haven't seen this alien! (winks)
What are your thoughts on them?
You'll be able to fully customize the main character! Changing its clothes, accessories, hair and a lot more!


Cya Wednesday for your weekly devlog!


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Hi everyone!

Today we have a couple of big news to share with you :)

Welcome to the team!

As you may already know, for the past few weeks, we’ve been searching and searching for an artist to join our team. As we’ve finished the functional prototype for “Project SpaceVille”, now “Midday-Mayhem” (our artist) has been needing some help with developing the semi-final art assets. Although we don’t really need much right away, we need to test and eventually finalize the look and feel of the game. And we’d like to do it as soon as possible.

After many weeks of searching and contacting people, we’ve finally found someone perfect to join the FAXIME team. Her name is Meera, and she specializes in developing 3D models. She’s also working with us remotely, but that’s not really a big issue since we’re already used to that. Everything is going great. We love her work and she is a really nice person. (smiles) We will post some of her work for you to see in the following days! (wink)

Launching the Insider Programme

Secondly, the moment you’ve been waiting for (we hope) is arriving! We are proud to announce that the “Project SpaceVille” Insider Programme will be officially launched this September 1st, with the release of the first insider build of the game!

On that same day, we’ll be at the Game Dev Meet @Porto for the second time, this time showing off “Project SpaceVille”. We’ll give a small talk about the game and our journey as an independent game studio startup. We’ll also publicize the Insider Programme, of course. (laughs)

Also, in some other great news! On August 31st, tune in on our friend’s Twitch channel, Miercolez (https://www.twitch.tv/miercolez) live at 9:30pm (UTC+00). He’ll be the first person playing the “Project SpaceVille” Insider Programme build. If you want to join there is space for everyone! (laughs) We’re really excited for this opportunity, and we can’t thank him enough. We hope it goes well, and that he doesn’t struggle to much playing the game (and finding those pesky bugs). (laughs)

Some real developments

Finally, on to some real game development! We recently went back to the inventory system, and realized that we needed to rethink the way it was implemented. Originally, we’d only planned for one inventory to exist, the player’s inventory that is. So we designed that system to be coupled with the user interface (UI). So, if we wanted to have another inventory for something else other than the player, the UI would need to be duplicated in order for it to work. You can see now why this might be a problem...


We realised that, in order for the game to be more realistic, it would be cool if your villagers had inventories as well, with items inside them, and with all the restrictions that would apply to a real player. So, we had to rebuild the inventory system from the ground up in order to separate the UI from the inventory data itself. This will also make saving and loading inventory data a lot easier than before.

This is a pattern that we’ll be sure to follow from now on. Data is one thing, and what you see in the screen is another. If you’re developing games (or any other software for the matter), make sure you remember this. Don’t be like FAXIME! (laughs)

Cya next time, everyone!


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Hi everyone!

Today’s screenshot is, as you can see, a cherry tree! You will be able to plant lots of trees in your village. This is one of them! :)

Do you like cherries? (I hope you do) (laughs)


Cya next week, everyone!


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Hi everyone! :)

I hope you’re all doing great!

Today, we’re going to talk to you about what we’ve been doing on “Project SpaceVille” in the last couple of weeks. This last one in particular, we focused on fixing the most critical bugs in the prototype. As you may already know, that was the last week before submitting the final demo for Lisboa Games Week. So, that was quite stressing! (laughs)

By the way, here’s a screenshot of that said demo. Enjoy!


Bugs. Bugs everywhere!

Something we didn’t tell you before (ups!) was that you were actually able to dig holes inside houses... But, we fixed that and you are no longer able to plant trees in your living room. There goes the environment, I guess. (laughs) Speaking of that, another bug that also occurred inside the house happened when you tried to place an item from the inventory in the room. Suddenly, it would start to be multiplied insanely (laughs), but that’s fixed as well.

While fixing these “small” issues, we were breaking other things related to the player's actions. For example, the player couldn’t catch butterflies anymore, trees wouldn’t fall no matter how hard you struck it with the axe! And after fixing these action related bugs, the achievements stopped working as well! What a mess, I know... (laughs)

Bugs aside, we’ve finally changed the player’s 3D model and animations to the “final” ones. But even there we found some issues. The new model’s rotation and player input sync was all wrong. So the player would be walking right with his body facing left (laughs).

We’ve also changed the NPC models to the cat models. But unfortunately, we haven’t had the time to implement their animations yet.

Art Styles

Finally, we’ve been testing a couple of different art styles in the game. We want “Project SpaceVille” to have its own look and feel. So, we’re giving a lot of time and thought into this. We haven’t set anything in stone yet, other that we want it to feel cartoonish, somewhat stylized and, above all, unique.

So, if you could help us, we’d love your opinion! Gil has been playing around with shaders and he has came up with these.


What do you think?

Cya next week, everyone!


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Heya we're back for more news!

Today we are going to talk about the art of "Project SpaceVille"! We are no longer using placeholders for everything!

A few months ago, we met an artist on DeviantArt who was interested in our project and decided to help us with the art department.

She has developed a loooot of concepts for us!

Main character concepts, villagers, clothes, buildings etc.

She has also already made a 3D version of the main character tho it's just a base mesh with a simple texture.

And look at this cute couple she made! Don't you just love them?


Meanwhile, we got an intern at FAXIME who was a rigger and animator.

Thanks to him our main character can now walk, run, jump, and do a lot of other actions! He did an incredible job, really! We are proud of him :)

Here's a little peek on what he did. (It's a GIF, so hang in there while it loads. (laughs))

Check this link: Gph.is

Stay tuned for more!

Bye everyone! :).


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Hi everyone! :D

Just as we promised last week, here is your surprise! We're proud to announce that we'll start doing our Screenshot Day from now on, every Monday. :)

Yes! This mean you'll finally start seeing something new from "Project SpaceVille" every monday! Screenshots will range from concept art (like today), but also 3D models, promotional art and screenshots directly from the game it self.

So, without further ado, here's today’s screenshot!


This is one of the NPC concepts our artist has drawn. This is our fox villager! What do you think of it? Isn't it cute?

See you soon,


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Website: Faxime.wixsite.com

Hello, everyone! :)

As you may know, last week we went to Game Dev Meet @Porto. It was our first presence at a Game Dev Meet as FAXIME, and it was just awesome! We had the chance know a lot of new developers and their projects from around our area (North of Portugal). We even got to test some!

We also had the chance to talk to a director of an acclaimed video game developer from Portugal, and he gave us some great advice on how to start a startup and launch our first game. Thank you for that! :)

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to show off “Project SpaceVille” (sad!!). We were fixing some last minute bugs before we left, but everything else was fine. And then… we decided to change some assets 2 hours before the meet started and it was chaos! Bugs everywhere! Problems with the animations! Crashes here and there! ... So, I guess we’ll have to go again next month! (laughs)

In other matter, we have a nice announcement to make. We’re basically done with the functional (programming) prototype phase! So, these past few weeks, we’ve been starting to ramp up the art department. This is basically to start switching placeholders and make the game beautiful! Our team member, “Midday-Mayhem”, is of course on the lead. We haven’t quite settled in a concrete art-style yet, but we’re confident in “Midday”’s abilities! Stay tuned for that!

Meanwhile, for the past 3 days we’ve be sending a couple of emails to some really talented folks on DeviantArt. Since we’re ramping up art production, we’re currently in the process trying to find an artist to join our team! I won’t lie to you, we’ve been trying to have someone join the team for quite some time now… but I think we are finally getting somewhere! (fingers crossed) But boy, let me tell you, DeviantArt can be a weird place sometimes! (laughs)

Game Developments

Want to see what your character’s base mesh will look like? Here is a screenshot! (haven’t done those in a long time now) (laughs)


We’ve also been messing around with the player input. We want to make sure that it feels as natural as possible. So, for example, when you click on a tree close by, with an axe equipped, the player starts chopping it down.

We’re also working on the “Drop Item” feature, in case something that you don’t want is taking up too much space on your inventory or you just don’t want an item. Now you’ll be able to drop it, either by dragging it out of the inventory or by just clicking a button.

Unfortunately, to do something as simple as that, we needed to change a lot of the code we had. There were a lot of mistakes we made in the past when it comes to how we coded the “Project SpaceVille” prototype. The previous code was basically juggled to work on the university presentations we had. (laughs) But now, we’re in the process of refactoring most of the game’s systems to allow them to grow sustainably in the future.

In The Near Future...

About Indie Dome we talked about on the previous post: the deadline to apply was extended to the 15th of August. Thank god! (laughs) We’ll have time to improve the small experience that we have fix all bugs (we hope) until then!

And that’s it for today.

In the coming weeks, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing some awesome art-related stuff from “Project SpaceVille”.

Please stay tuned for more news!

See you soon,


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Pintrest: Pinterest.pt

Hey y’all! :)

Here’s yet another update on “Project SpaceVille”!

As you may already noticed, in these past few months, we’ve been absent from programming. This has mainly been because we were all busy finishing our university degrees and we’ve also been very busy with business and team management and consolidation side of things. (boring, I know) So, we haven’t touched the code for so long, and we didn’t quite remember how messy it was. (laughs) We know we’ll have a dozen of sleepless nights trying to figure this out, for sure.

Right now, we are focused on fixing all bugs related to the input of the game! We feel that this is one of the most important parts of a successful prototype.

Next, we’ll be replacing most of the current art assets with proprietary ones we’ve already developed. We’re really in a rush here; we applied for Indie Dome at Lisboa Games Week 2017, so we need these two things ready by next friday. (gasps)

Let me talk to you a little bit about Indie Dome: it supports producers of independent videogames, placing artistic, innovative and culturally relevant projects in one space. As organization, it promotes and publicizes emerging projects and the most praiseworthy through showcases with the help of our partners and for the general public in order to foster greater awareness and visibility of the Portuguese and the international independent movement. You can check out more info here: Indiedome.org

The submissions close on July 30th! (gasps) So, you understand why there is so little time! Besides that we are also fixing the game so we can release it to our official Insider Programme alpha testers. Please remember that if you want to be part of this community you can still join us! Just send us a message on Facebook or an email us at faximegames@gmail.com with the passcode SPACEVILLE-IP.

Finally, we’ll be going to Game Dev Meet @Porto this next friday (July 28th). We’ll be there to exchange knowhow and experiences with other game developers. And guess what... “Project SpaceVille” is also coming with us! (wink, wink) So, if you guys want you can come try it out and give us your precious feedback.

If are from around show up and say hi to us! :)

Click here to check out the Game Dev Meet @Porto event on Facebook.

Until then,


Follow us and keep updated at:

Facebook: Facebook.com
Instagram: Instagram.com
Twitter: Twitter.com
Pintrest: Pinterest.pt

Hi everyone! :)

Today, we'd like to share some wonderful news with you!


We've recently applied to the Web Summit Alpha Programme, for startups like us to be present at the event. We can happily announce that we're officially going to be Web Summit 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal (our home country)! The event will take place from the 6th to the 9th of November, so we hope that if you'll be at the event too we can meet up!

As you may already know, Web Summit is one of the biggest technology events worldwide. They're expecting more than 60.000 attendees this year! So it'll be a great opportunity for both FAXIME and our dear "Project SpaceVille".

We'll have the opportunity to talk to investors and to show “Project SpaceVille” to the world in our booth. And that's just awesome! (laughs)

Other Events

We've already been to some small local game events, and we've always brought a prototype of "Project SpaceVille" with us. It's so gratifying to see people's faces enjoying our game. We've honestly been incredibly surprised by people's positive reaction to the game, especially considering that we've only showed a rough prototype so far (that's also why we haven't showed you much of the game here the blog).


Just a side note: You can try this prototype (and others) out by applying the "Project SpaceVille" Insider Programme. Just send us an email to faximegames@gmail.com with the SPACEVILLE-IP access code. Thanks! :)

Since we're on the matter of events, we've also applied for Indie Dome at Lisboa Games Week in September. And two days ago the PlayStation Awards Portugal programme was also released, so we will be also applying for that too! :)

We're looking forward to seeing you in Web Summit!

Until then,


Follow us and keep updated at:

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Instagram: Instagram.com
Twitter: Twitter.com
Pintrest: Pinterest.pt

Hello, everyone! :)

Just as we promised last week, we're here and back for more!

We have big news for you today! Today we can announce that we'll be launching the Project SpaceVille Insider Programme soon. This will be be a community effort, so we'd like everyone to join us in making "Project SpaceVille" the best game possible!


Bellow are some common questions you may have about the programme, and our answers to them.

Why are we doing this?

Well, we need to see if you enjoy playing our game. We want to hear your opinions and ideas!

How do I apply?

All you have to do is send a message to our Facebook or send us an email at faximegames@gmail.com, with the access key “SPACEVILLE-AP” and we'll do the rest!

When to apply?

Now! (laughs) Whenever you feel like as long as the Insider Programme is still running. But we advise that you do it as soon as possible, as there is a limit number of testers.

When does it start?

Our alpha will be release soon during this summer.

What will I have access to?

We will give you a platform in our website where you can post feedback, ideas, share opinions with other testers! And, of course, you will have access to the alpha build of the game! We also have something special for the alpha testers after the game is released as well!

Until next time,


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