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Comment History
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Please read the news and also we host all of our media on our forums.

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Not quite =)

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

We are still waiting for some much needed textures, once we have the textures and texture what we want we'll release a trailer :)

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Well to answer that question... We're probably just going to design the PC version, release that. Then maybe take a look at the PS2 version, or make the code open source and have the public input.

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Gone in 60 Minutes

I liked the trailer :D

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ White Epsilon

This mod looks awesome, love RTS games :D Good Luck!

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ werdup

lmao Nice Job

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

We did need a texture artist and a modeller but we got people to fill those positions. The reason for all the mappers is just to speed up the mapping process.

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

The main tour is fully non-violent, but in multiplayer; scenarios will add violence such as protecting Tour Black Mesa from alien invaders with a buddy. Also read the FAQ for other scenarios on how violence/action will be incorporated into the game... Thx :D

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

The reason for the total conversion is:
The models and the textures that Half-Life2 offers, are not the kind that can fit Black Mesa. If you take a look at Half-Life 1 and its expansion packs there are a lot more different models and textures than what Half-Life 2 has. Also there is no other way in converting old maps of Half-Life 1 to the source engine without remaking the entire map. We have tried many methods to do this and none of them were accomplishable; djsimhead came very close once but it messed up the map too much causing major distortion and compiling errors. So basicially a total conversion is the only way to achieve the great level of satisfaction in making this mod, and we don't mind the extra work. Yet again we like to be creative and want to give people a new experience in a old environment. :D

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Dark Source

Interesting little story :D Nice models... Thumbs up from me :)

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Click on the help wanted tab, next to the news tab, than read the "Mapper" article. In the reading, there should be information in how to become a mapper and how to submit an application =)

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Heh, for joining please read the team membership guidlines. Also a guns' testing lab was already in concept for the mod, though we were planning to make one specifically for the gravity gun.

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Heh, so far mapping has been good. The worse problem we get is just the scaling, which can easily be fixed. Also, so far, mapping the sectors has been very straight forward and not intervening into any other sectors of Black Mesa. The only tough areas that we will be covering, that I can think of, is the sewer and bits of the outside.

As for getting 10 mappers in a week, we never set up A deadline for receiving any help, we just hoped to become a team of 10 by the end of the week (We're already a team of 5) All in all we want 10 more mappers though =P

Thanks for the encouraging comments guys! :D

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Also, note the multiplayer part =P

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Yes Sir... There will be a storyline in game, though.

Good karma+1 vote
Enflorence - - 17 comments @ Tour Black Mesa

Yes! You can visit the Lambda lab :D

Good karma+1 vote