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Hi, I'm Elephants Doing Crack, you may know me from… actually, I don't know why you are here. Do you seriously have nothing better to do with your life than to look at a complete stranger's profile page? I guess so. Now about me: I've been browsing Mod DateBase since maybe the late 2000s, but it's hard to say off the top of my memory. As of recently, I finally made an account for this website. It only took me what? Two or three years to write a Bio? Maybe in five years I will make a blog post. On a serious note, I may write some, extremely, biased blog posts about games and mods that I love. It's something I've been thinking about lately, just because it could help someone out or see a different light. It's most likely going to be Half-life related content: it's already consumed 89% of my life, wish I could leave but it anyways drags me back. Or who knows, maybe I could even work on a mod. Some have called me the "sketchiest person" they have ever met. Which seems accurate...

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 135)
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life: Beating Quota


Good karma+4 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Continuing Development

Looking good!

Good karma+4 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life 2 2004 Pack

2004 looks better than right now imo

Good karma+7 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life 2: Episode 3: The Path of the Borealis

I don't know how I didn't notice that

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life: Recovery

Hi, are you currently looking for playtesters because I would LOVE to give my feedback!

Follow up question: Are there any plans of adding more new original weapon? I saw the Opfor weapons like the wrench, knife, sniper etc. I did see flamerthrower and that seems interesting. But any other plans at the moment of just this stuff?

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life 2: Episode 3: The Path of the Borealis

So will this mod follow Laidlaw's Epistle 3's story or something different?

Good karma+2 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Decay: Solo Mission (Demo 2)

I really enjoyed this demo. Didn't expect to get Surface Call on top of it. Here was my feedback from playing both the Steam and Mod version of Solo Mission.

- I feel like you could still do the crowbar jam from the original Decay Dual Access chapter since you do still see the Xen Crystal Sample jamming, but never get to unjam it.
- When Rosenberg opened the Security door in the Hazard Course to be greeted by a zombie, I let Rosenberg run away from the zombie to see what would happen. I killed the zombie, but Rosenberg was just stuck in the elevator and his scripting was broken it seemed. He just wouldn't move.
- No HD Pack sound effects on the Steam version. Though the mod version works fine, but that is probably because it is in the same file as the original Half-life as a mod.
- Cart puzzle can be skipped a little quicker by jumping off of the Yellow/caution blocks at the end on the room.
- Middle cart could go a bit slower. I felt like it was going too fast and I thought I broke the game at first. Plus it was a bit overwhelming since I had to act quick. But since I am a pro/MLG Half-life player it wasn't a problem for me. Overall, it was a GREAT restructure and redesign of the cart puzzle from Decay.
- I love the added Bullsquid on Surface Call because there weren’t really any Bullsquids in Decay (that were enemies anyways and besides the sucking of that one bullsquid).

This is really just me nitpicking because the demo was really fun and enjoyable. I can't wait to see more of the mod and what you will do!

Good karma+3 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Return to Ravenholm

You may want to change the name of the mod since it sounds like it's about Akrane's cancelled Ravenholm game. From what I've seen, it doesn't look like that is the case. You may want to fix that in the future. But I hope you do a good job on the mod!

Good karma+2 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life: Field Intensity Release

This looks like a fun mod. I will have to check it out when College isn't slowly killing me. Hopefully I will see it soon!

Good karma+4 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Xbox 360 Half-Life 2 Beta Metrocop\MP5 mod

Well umm... this is something. I guess?

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life: Emission

WOAH! A mod back from the dead?!

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Delta Particles

Yo after years of waiting, I can finally play this mod!

Good karma+6 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life 2: Pathway Through Ravenholm

Great update man!

I was wondering about the mod if it will just be more Ravenholm or will you add some nice stuff to play around with? (That range from new enemies, weapons, mechanics or locations).

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ eXperiment

Looks spooky

Good karma+3 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Contamination : Zero

This looks like it has potential. I hope to see more and that the mod is GREAT.

With that, one of my questions is what will be new in this mod (besides the Houndeye)?

Good karma+3 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ SIGNAL LOST - Dimensional Malfunction

I had so much fun with this!

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ SIGNAL LOST

LET'S ******* GOOo!!!!

Good karma+3 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life: Opposing Force - Official Press Build - Setup File


Good karma0 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ A rather large bump in the road...

We love you very much!

Good karma+10 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ (DISCONTINUED) Entropy Zero: Disparity

Oh man, another EZ mod. Cool!

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Surface Call WIP 6

Very cool stuff!

Good karma+5 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life but every sound is replaced with scientist scream

I think I would go insane if I beat the game with this

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Black Mesa: Candidate Twelve (Echoes remake)

This look very interesting and cool!

Good karma+1 vote
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Entropy : Zero 2 - Media Tempest!

OH BABY, this is a long one....

Good karma+4 votes
ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments @ Half-Life with Portal 2 Soundtrack

You could just post this as an addon or on Gamebanana man.

Good karma+3 votes