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Looking for a Team

dougthebugfug Blog

Hello world and all that inhabit it, starnasity here and I am currently looking for a dev team to work on and complete a project. The spots that need filled are audio/video/level design/ 3d animations/voice audio acting/programming/testing. The engine that is being used is Unreal. I'm needing a team to help make level entities/objects static and free. For audio I need music with a calm sound but also a little up beat at some points. I already have a really good story and game mechanics just need a team to run with. This will be released as a stand alone title so pay may come depending on over all sales.

have skype or other means of communication.

Could be a exhalent career builder.

If you are interested in joining message me at foxytwentytwenty@gmail.com

thank you