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I'm Denis, enthusiastic gamer and teacher. I love to teach people how to program. My German courses have reached over 26000 People and teach them how to make Video Games, Apps, Websites and much more. Currently I'm running a Kickstarter campaign which is about creating the best Unity3D course ever! Please feel free to check it out by visiting my homepage. I love to skate, walk my dog and play video games like Lol, WoW and mobile games. My daughter Amalia (4 months) is going to be a gamer, for sure. :) - and probably an engineer as well :D

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Kickstarter - Ultimate Unity3D Developer Course - Build 8 Awesome Games

panjutorials Blog 1 comment

Hi indie gamers and developers Smiley

thanks a lot for checking out this post. I'm Denis and my goal is to make the best Unity3D course ever. The Kickstarter is about getting enough money to make this huge project possible. As we want to teach beginners every single step required to build their first games.

This includes multiple games to start with, so that the student learns multiple different approaches and features, which he then can use to make is own game. So it's pretty much to enable more people to build their own freaking awesome games Smiley

Example projects that will be taught in the Course.

  • Pong (to get the basics straight)
  • Minesweeper - great way to learn to code
  • Asteroid (similar to Blaster XL) - first animations and simply a great game to learn how to make
  • Tower Defense Game - More complex, nicer graphics and loads to learn that you can use for your own games
  • 3D Jump and Run - Super Mario and stuff ;)
  • 3D First Person Shooter - The final project. This is just the starting point of your career.

My German Unity course has already over 4000 Students on Udemy and my english one shall achieve 10 times the students in 2 years! As I think video games are one of the best things in the world. They make people happy and forget the troubles of the world.

Please help us achieve the target and make this amazing course reality. << click here!
If you cannot back the project but still would like to help me bring this knowledge to people who seek it, please feel free to share it with you friends on Facebook or other social media.
