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I have too many games over my various systems and don't see myself ever beating all of them. I use the same username for most websites and game services I use, including Steam, PSN, XBox Live, GameFAQs, Backloggery, FanFiction.net, SteamGifts, SteamTrades, PlayBlink, GMail, etc.

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I made a blog post

DeltaBladeX Blog

So my page wouldn't stop saying stuff about my lack of a blog post.

At least, that was my grand plan. Then it told me I need more characters. So blah, blah, blah. This is already quite boring, and I don't think I'm even half way yet. But while I type out this boring drivel, I'm watching my cat play around with my gumboots and other junk lying around my bedroom.

Cats are awesome.