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Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ When being an engineer in the army gets boring...

When you have to fix that shed from 300 yards

Good karma+2 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Other lulz

Don't tread on me or my human sacrifices!

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Expanding Fronts 1.2 Now Available!

But what about the Droid attack on the Wookies!

Good karma+2 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Have some.

Kim Jong Un's AR-15

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Bunker? I 'ardly knew 'er!

This is accurate.....

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Don't get hungry in a combat zone, bring tactical snickers.

The most unrealistic part of the purge is that no one formed any private security forces or volunteer police forces.

Good karma+2 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Conservatives of ModDB

I see the Libertarian is off the Description.
As much as I want to tear down the Liberal idiots, the Pendulum has alas swung too far in the other direction.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ A message to my white brothers and sisters

THERE are Black and Asian Countries*
There, They're, Their,
"THERE is a country that is all White." (There is for location.)
"THEY'RE an all Asian Nation." (They're is a contraction of They & are)
"THEIR nation is multi-ethnic." (Their indicates possession of the subject.)

Also, Cats and Dogs are different species, a more accurate comparison would be why Labradors and Huskies don't mix or why Russian Blues and Siamese Cats don't Mix.

Good karma+2 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Besides, as a final note, I would point out that, if your conclusions are right about all these racial issues, then White people will soon be the black people to Asians as they with their statistical advantage are destined to become the master race.

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Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

"Sure there were still wars" Yeah, there were a lot of wars, in fact you can look at the Wikipedia list of wars and a vast majority of them are due to one country's leader, enabled by the nationalistic blind obedience of the population, deciding he wanted to take over another country.
World War One, one of the most brutal wars in history was one of Nationalistic pride. So it's more than just there were still wars.
No, war will never be eradicated, because it's not race that divides us, but morals, values, and the unchecked power of corrupt leaders.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

I acknowledge that Blacks do commit a disproportional amount of crimes, but that wasn't the point. The point is that rather than see all the many, many contributing factors to a problem, you or at least many racial supremacists instead point at race and blame it. Countless politicians in history have used this, they blame the problems of the country one someone else, a different race, a different religion, a different nation, and all of a sudden the people forget that politician's nasty and corrupt deeds to instead be directed into war or at least blaming the wrong person for their misfortune.

Slavery is also immoral and evil. Even Biblical slavery was a voluntary thing that was limited as a debt collection and forgiven after several years.

Not a decade goes by without any type of conflict, and yes that includes racial, but often race is more of an excuse that the politicians and leaders make to justify the hate needed to kill. World War 2 wasn't a racial war, yet that didn't mean that when the Japanese were doing what European powers had done for years and desperately hit Peral Harbor trying to get more fuel that America didn't use racism to motive people to fight. Or that they didn't call the Germans "Huns" and portray them as racially evil.
Yes the Liberals today are insane, they allow the Identity of Islam to flourish and even silence those in Islam that want reforms. The Liberals today don't know reality, they pander and coddle Blacks and other minority races, feeding them welfare like a drug, because they know that they will get votes for it, as long as they keep the black people stupid and trapped, never let them grow or thrive, they can keep them voting for them.

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Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Of the links you've sent, several are statistics I've already acknowledged, one is a 40$ PDF I'm not spending money on, and one doesn't work.

I've acknowledged these statistics, but as a wise man once said “There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
What do I mean by that? Statistics are numbers, the conclusion you draw from them is not always the same one I or someone else will draw from them.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Is the soul the collective of a race? Or simply a group? Homogeny between those with compatible morality and ethics is far stronger of a bond than skin color. You think that race guarantees comradery? Europe has been a battleground since it was first settled. The Civil war was whites with one type of moral fighting whites with a different set of morals. The Revolutionary war, whites vs whites, Napoleon's wars were Whites vs Whites, the first world war was fought between. white empires. China, Japan, Korea, Asian nations with bloody history and turning on people of their own race. And why? Because it wasn't race, it was ideas, "My King is divine and yours is not" "My morals are better than yours" "My need of those resources are greater than yours"

Let me ask you, which would you rather have as your neighbor, a white militant Communist, or a peaceful conservative Latino family? Who is a better business partner, a piece of white trash who gets his high gambling every penny away and lives in self-made misery, or a kind black man who works hard and is reliable?
Because despite how the media tries to portray the world in black victims and white kings, the reality is that there are many in all colors in all levels of income and success, and even if you are statistically right, there is a half above average and a half below.

You toss away my statements about why our country is in such hell, by just saying "These contribute as problems of their own yes, but that says nothing about nature."
These are not simple problems that you can wave away. As an example, you may point out that black people rely more on government, but that's because we let them with the welfare system. If we cut that if we destroyed it and removed the regulatory nightmare that stifles opportunities than either, A: They would die out. Or B: They would grow and become productive.

Our country is in economic and political turmoil, you can't simply write every problem off to a race war when race wars didn't decide if we bailed out banks, race wars didn't decide to involve ourselves in WW1, Race did not decide to create a Central Bank.

All men are created equal in the eyes of God, what we do and what morals we allow to be taught define us. An Asian Child raised in an American family is more American than white Child raised in an Asian nation. Why? Because they are raised with American values and morals.

The subversive elements are that we became lax, in our prosperity we forgot why we were prosperous, the decentralized state that allowed business to thrive and economic growth to occur. A monetary system that sucks the value out of our wealth, and you can say "It's the Jews" about that, but you know what, not every Jew is in on it, in fact I'd be willing to bet that a vast majority of Jews have no idea about it, in fact the Jews I know voted Trump and are firmly conservative. So instead of simply saying "The Jews are to blame" Why don't you blame the actual people doing it? Target your attack against those responsible, not the race.

You say America should be traditional, yet we already have examples of several nations that were so obsessed with Tradition, that they sent bow-men against Battleships. History is to be learned from and grow from, and while Tradition is a valuable asset, if you are blinded by it, you will stagnate. You will make choices not because they are good, but because it's tradition.

My suggestion, cut the Handouts and let natural selection take its course, and let those who want to continue enabling the addition of free money with the welfare system pay for their own charities out of their own pockets.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ What the Founders Really Thought About Race

It's ironic that Robert E Lee, the most famous Confederate believed that slavery was simply a step, an evil one but still just a step that would one day end and lead to bringing about racial harmony, while Lincoln thought that segregation was the only way.

But while It is interesting to hear some of the more damning quotes from our presidents, even though many were products of their time and radical for their time, I cannot help but be shocked by the conclusion Mr. Taylor makes.

He finishes the video by telling me to look around and look at the news to see the answer to which view is better, yet I look and I see bigger causes, I see national debt run up by wars and still unpaid from WW2, a time which he implied we still held the "correct view" I see needless foreign interventions starving our coffers, yet these have been launched by white and black skinned politicians. I see government welfare programs and regulations wasting money and crushing those who want to produce, I see bailouts for businesses that should fail, I see a disgusting rot in that the population, of all colors relying on government.

To blame race is like seeing a bloody body and arresting the nearest person, perhaps he is guilty, or perhaps he's not, and if he's not guilty and you hang him anyway, all you've done is let the real killer get away.

Yes, a lot of the black community is a drain on our resources, but a lot isn't.
It's an anecdote but I've seen a black man in a professional suit, working hard and with a well-dressed and polite family, the picture of an American businessman, and I've seen a chain-smoking white woman living in a disgusting trailer surrounded by utter filth, filth of her and her children's own making. A scene that turned my stomach.

Simply blaming race for an ill, sounds to me like an attempt to find a scapegoat because you're unable to tackle the real and complex problem, you're unable to face that America, despite all the good it has done, has some failings. You're unable to fathom that, like a human body after reaching maturity, it has slowly been deteriorating for a long long time.

What's your solution? Segregation again? What will that accomplish save for making you feel good until you realize that nothing has actually been solved? The Race war is not the problem in this country, Politicians who use the race war to pull strings and turn us against each other, politicians who sit in ivory towers dictating their whims to us, knowing that we won't notice because we're too busy squabbling over the petty issues they distract us with, is what is destroying this country.

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Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Operation Reinhard - The Problem with Individualism

By Liberalism do you mean the current Liberalism that pretends to be Individualist, yet in practice is simply large segments of group think and herd mentalities all delusional into thinking they're unique or do you mean Classical Liberalism which was the ideas of John Locke and Thomas Jefferson?

Tradition and respecting our past and culture is a good thing, however, it is also important that we recognize when they need to change. Japanese culture historically was one of abject tyranny and utter devotion to the state, certainly there were many good historical aspects that should survive, but the totalitarian system that was ingrained for so long in their culture was one that held them back.
Water, despite being necessary for life can still kill you in too large a quantity, especially when someone shoves it down your throat. We must be careful in that our resistance to the rampant destruction of culture and values from the left, is not to drown ourselves in the opposite.

The single most important part of culture and heritage is values, everything else is simply aesthetics. If for example, China and America have the same moral values or at least compatible ones, then there shouldn't be any issue between the intermingling of the cultures. Wouldn't you agree?

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Operation Reinhard - The Problem with Individualism

I don't disagree that social values should be upheld and that communities should work together, as a Christian myself I hold dearly that the Christian community should have the backs of those in it and those who need help.
American culture is one of the greatest on the planet, we have historically had the ability to take the good of other cultures and weave them into our own while tossing aside the elements that are morally wrong.
We have a proud history of standing for freedom and liberty, as Southerner, I am proud of my ancestors who stood against the Tyrant Lincoln and his desire to trample the rights of States in favor of a Hamiltonian Central government.
And we shouldn't be ashamed of the good in our culture, nor blindly harsh about the heroes of the past and should try ourselves to lead as good examples for our posterity.

However, you seem to think the left is the only ones with blood on their hands, it's not just the left, it's every type of powerful Government. Socialist, National Socialist, Democratic Socialist, Soviet Socialist, Monarchy, Republics, Empires. All of them have needlessly slaughtered millions of their own citizens, not enemies, but their own people.
Which is why I am so against a Nationalist and powerful government that enforces cultural hegemony at gunpoint, because historically whenever a government does, it leads to killing anyone who doesn't fit what the Government deems as the correct way to live, even if that itself is against the spirit of the country's culture. After all, as just about every politician in history has proven, the government is filled with a bunch of power hungry liars, and even those who are good politicians are often followed by another liar.

I also disagree with your statement on Race, people are born with skin color, but culture is learned, a Chinese person raised in America is more American than a White person raised in China, culture and environment are far larger factors to how someone will act or the social circles they will stay in compared to their skin color. You speak as though mixed race is a bad thing, or different races intermingling is a bad thing, yet in the end race is simply an aesthetic, and the real issue is the values and morality they hold.

Final point. You say that Communism and Marxism only accept the family as a distinct group, and perhaps that is correct in the Communist theory, but in practice every single time it has been attempted it has been incredibly nationalistic and preaching devotion to the government and the party.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Operation Reinhard - The Problem with Individualism

The left is collectivist, they don't care about the individual they simply desire different groups, they throw away their heritage for new insane groups ruled by their own masters. Feminism is a collective group, BLM, the Gay Pride groups. All are collectivist groups, they're just not the old ones.

In addition, while having a collectivist mentality isn't a bad thing on a social level, when it reaches government it becomes a deadly and terrible one, as witnessed by every socialist Regime whether Soviet or National, and the terrible body count they have left behind.

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ face palm worthy posts

Like every war it was shades of truth. Slavery was the issue, but it was more akin to the straw that broke the Camel's back, the war was the conflict between two ideas of government, strong central government, or diversified State Governments, with the South choosing State governments and the North calling for Strong Federal Government. Slavery was the issue that sparked the war in a sense, that and trade tariffs.
The South was afraid the North would use Central government powers to attack slavery and thus the Southern Economy and Southern influence on the Government. In addition, many Southerners were afraid of freeing the slaves without proper measures being taken due to recent slave revolts.

TLDR. To say the Civil war was about Slavery is incorrect, but so is to say that Slavery had nothing to do with it.

Good karma+3 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ knight vs samurai

What year? Mounted or Dismounted?

Good karma+4 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ ASCC workers party logo

A.S.C.C? Are they a Nationalist Socialist party that's a threat or something?

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Koreans vs Japanese

They should hire you to do this as an official graphics pack!

Good karma+3 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Heavy Cavalry Line

Great work!

Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Memetime

No, then you'll die in a sweatshop gas chamber inside a gulag because you cut in line at the breadline.

Good karma+7 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ ASCC Iron Cross


Good karma+1 vote
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ T-90 mobility killed outside Aleppo

Well then I hope the Russians Learned their lesson in giving T-90s to those cowards.

Good karma+2 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ Meanwhile in Russia...

The Bible doesn't rule out Warfare. Thou shalt not kill is implying murder, not combat. In fact after those commandments were given God directed them to take part in several wars.

Good karma+6 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ The Effects of Multiculturalism

I concur with you, and I don't believe that we should simply cut all forms of regulation or anything like that.
I am a small business owner myself and I build signs, typically Real Estate signs, however once I was commissioned by a business to build their sign, I designed it, they were happy with it, I actually built it, and then the town got involved and said "You can't use Firelorde Because he's not one of our 'approved venders'
The business had to pay for someone to make a sign that the sign makers made wrong and charged more.

Some regulations, and the ability to sue for damages are needed, I don't disagree, but there is far too many and often far too many that were made to protect businesses in bed with the government while repressing competition.

I agree with your statement on genetics, even if there was a difference in the general population, better to treat everyone as equals and judge them from their actions and choices, rather than if statistically their race is smarter or dumber.

Though I will agree with Unbeholden that Affirmative action and quotas are oppressive and totalitarian, and that, despite me believing in racial equality, that businesses should on principal have the right to discriminate, as well as people should have the right to boycott them as well if they disagree.

Good karma+4 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ The Effects of Multiculturalism

Joshua, I agree. We do have a significant lack of opportunity and a system of systemic racism, and by that I mean that Left has utterly failed black people and created racial tensions to prevent them from succeeding and pulling themselves out of the pit they're stuck in, to ensure they continue getting their votes.
Unfortunately, the left has helped spawn a group identity, and conned that identity into Mistakenly putting their faith in Socialist programs which have failed them utterly and created a culture of dependency upon the same people that put them there.
Failed socialist schools, Failed socialist welfare, failed promises. And while it may be tempting for some here to make a statement about black people being gullible or the like, I would reply that there was a significant number of white people who supported Bernie Sanders* and were and are equally duped.(*And also supported Nazism and Communism)

So what is the solution? It isn't an easy one, especially since the easy solution, government promising to fix it, has been proven to be a falsehood.
I would support an environment that encourages job creation, an environment that massively cuts taxes and regulations (Fun fact it costs several thousand dollars to get licensed as a hair stylist, meaning that no matter how good you are at cutting hair, you can't open a hair salon unless you spend that money.)

Government doesn't create, it only hinders creation and innovation. More government = more hindrance. So my suggestion is to cut that down massively and allow people to create and innovate freely.
I would also not cut dependency immediately, like cold turkey can kill an alcoholic, it needs to be a gradual draw down over a period of time.

The Unbeholden: Race is a way of explaining the differences in fortune, but so is economy, government interference, culture, racism, and many other factors, including the simple difference of location in that many poor black people live in city slums as compared to many poor white people live in more rural areas.
There are many factors that could be in play, with varying degrees of influence, and maybe you're right, maybe race does play a part, or maybe it doesn't at all except for when race is used as a card to play one race against the other to stay in power.

I am no expert in biology, but I know that if there are actual racial differences that are not due to any circumstances beyond simple genetics, they are insignificant compared to the overwhelming number of outside factors that are compounding the issue and creating it. Blaming racism is a seemingly easy solution to a complicated problem.
Perhaps it is due to being a scholar of history, but history has shown that all races are equally capable of destruction when their cultural and environmental values are destructive ones.

Have you considered reading Thomas Sowell? He's a very prominent Libertarian/Conservative author and I think you might find his book "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" To be quite the interesting read, as well as his many other books that are harshly critical of Socialism and Affirmative action and the like.

One last thing, Bill Gates supports socialist policies, I'd say that conclusively proves intelligence does not always equate to wealth.

Deo Vindice,

Good karma+4 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ T-90 mobility killed outside Aleppo

Again? Hopefully those Syrian idiots learned their lesson.

Good karma+3 votes
Foxhounde - - 416 comments @ The Effects of Multiculturalism

If you want to argue that "Black culture" is detrimental or that "White culture" has better values and the like, I can actually agree with you in many ways and debate you, but three things.

1: I live in an area of the mountains where there is a significant population of white people who are just as crap conditions and crap culture, they just don't live in the inner city where they might be noticed. I would argue that poverty and government dependency are far worse factors in your chances of success as it breeds a culture of dependency.

2: And if you believe that the actual race of the individual is a factor, you can ship your *** Back to Nazi Germany, and please do it before your idiocy gives the left more ammunition to use against us actually sane people.

3: Detroit was ruined by socialist policies that were sustainable until their source of revenue left, due to shifting economics and modernization, whereupon they collapsed due to losing the vein that they were leeching from.

Deo Vindice,

Good karma+4 votes