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im a 18 year old who love's to build any thing so i got into this when i wanted the hl2 gun's like black or soething and 3 mounth's later i posted a colt on fpsbanana and i get asked by this group to join to be a texture artist behand i was and still i still am in seven hour as a sound artist so here's the like's to my work have fun i guess so now i work for seven hour hour war and prison island ^_^

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from noob to pro a guide to source texturing

corey365 Blog

to get started you need a few thing's

VTF edit: Nemesis.thewavelength.net

GCFScape: Nemesis.thewavelength.net

GIMP: Gimp.org

normal map for gimp: Code.google.com
now i use photo shop for normal's but gimp is almost a good with this plugin

since most ppl don't like to read but w\e ok let's get started first
after every thing is installed you have to restart now in gimp the
normal map wit be in filters_tab at the buttom with be a map tab there
will be you're normal map

step 1: make a folder named skin's now get a gun for you're source game on fpsbanana.com or in source file's

what you want and in vtf edit find it and go to file and extract it to
the skin's folder as png or tga never jpg or bmp reason it make's it
blurry now open you pic in gimp and there you go you're all set.

i will ad to this and put trick's and tip's for ja maby even pic's