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I used to make stuff, nothing grand, but it was fun. I got too busy as I got older. Still like to mess around every now and then though.

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Detailing in Source

Bezoika Blog 1 comment

The thing i love most about the Source engine, is the fact that it can use so many models and not hurt FPS. I used to think that simply a good layout would make a good map fun and get people to play it. Unfortunately, if its unattractive, most people will just skip over it and move onto the next map picture.

Gameplay is obviously extremely important, but it will be useless if the map doesn't attract the eye of the players.

For instance. Heres a picture of an older map...

As you can see, It is very tight and bland. The Attempted details weren't enough. The biggest problem, Its extremely tight. Can just feel the Claustrophobia setting in.

Fill everything up, Source has the power, harness that power.
Got a wall, Put a window or Poster. Got a ceiling? add some beams or Supports. Floor? Add some displacements or a some spill overlay and such.

Lets see what happens after being fixed up.

BIG improvement! On the walls, you can see the Support beams fill up space very well. The view of the outside makes it feel more like your in the world. Also helps add lighting. The Lanters add a nice glow effect and a sexy orange lighting to the room. Door Frames help visual a LOT. The Boxes and Barrels are simple details that fill up the room and make it look nicer. and ofcourse, Displacements make EVERYTIHNG look better.

Thats all i have to say for my first Blog.

Example map is cp_kinetic for Team Fortress 2 Created by RedFury