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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 207)
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ A Distant Galaxy of Possibilities

While I like the Ambassador Class, I really wish they had been able to make this Enterprise-C. Thoughts?

Good karma+5 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Disregard, I found my answer on the patch page. My bad ^_^

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ STA3 Uprising 1.0 Upkeep Patch for DL's before 16 March 2019

Thanks for this clarification. I was not keeping up to date on the mod for awhile and missed this change and was confused. Much thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Hey guys. I'm having a weird issue in the mod. My credit income per second keeps going from its normal rate all the way down to 0 over about every 40 seconds or so. It starts at what it should be at currently ( lets say 18 per sec), and then slowly decreases ( say to 16 then 15.5 and to 14.7 and so on) until it reaches 0.0. It then resets back to the top and the process repeats. Am I crazy or is this a bug? It seems like its playing havoc with my credits and putting me at a disadvantage.

PS: I also noticed fleet up keep is always at 0% now for every level, cant remember if that was a design change by you guys or also a bug.

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Ok that makes sense. Thanks for the reply, keep up the amazing work!

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

I have a quick question. As someone who is getting back into playing the mod after a long break, I'm curious about the Uprising update. I know that the previous build had two versions, Nemesis and The Final Frontier. I loved TFF and its focus on exploration, discovery and overall meta-game feel. My question is that with the Uprising release, is this version more a continuation of TFF or Nemesis?

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

Great mod! Congrats on getting to number 5 in mod of the year. This mod got me back in to EaW after a long hiatus. Definitely got my vote!

I am having some trouble with the new patch though. I downloaded the patch and overwrote the original files in main mods DATA file with the new patch files. However, the game now crashes on launch, right as the mods loading screen pulls up. Any thought on how to fix it? I am playing the GoG version if that matters.


Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Peacekeepers

Where is this quote from? I'm blanking.

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

That actually fixed it. I also amped up the settings for the game directly through my GPU and overrode a few settings as well. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

I appreciate the information and the response, thank you. I will try to investigate the ring issue to issue what is causing it or if its a graphics driver issue. I have another computer and will test the mod on it to see if it happens again.

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

First I want to say, excellent mod. Exactly what is needed to breath new life and depth into this classic game. Keep up the good work.

I am having a couple issues though. First, I cannot get the save game crash to go away. I put the Ai folder from in the mod Data folder in EAWX but no luck. Suggestions?

I also am having an issue with ship engine effects. A ring is present just outside every engine. It looks like a effect that is meant to be inside the engine to create a glowing effect.

Other than some frame rate drops, which I believe is my own PC's fault, everything else seemingly works great.

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Subtle Hint 2 - An Answer to the "first" of the texts

*cough* ...Worf... *cough*

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ An Old Friend

-"You seem quite taken with her."
-"Just an old man's fantasies..."

Good karma+3 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ More WIP pictures!

"By god that's a big ship."

Good karma+8 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ New Excalibur WIP

Looks great! However, one quality I really enjoyed about the original was its shear size and mass. Will the new model retain those traits or are they somewhat reduced?

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ USS Enterprise conducting repairs

haha yes!

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

I loved the concepts and ideas behind the now deceased Axanar mod; smaller fleets, individual ships matter more, system/battle damage effects debuff, more tactical combat. Are these being applied to TTF or in another capacity? I want to feel like I care about each individual ship more than I do now in Armada 3, in which when battles happen, they are big with ships dying left and right quick, and its more a diversity/numbers/replacement game than tactical combat. This of course is not always the case now, since certain abilities needing strict supervision and thought to use correctly but the overall feeling of 'big picture' is still there.

Good karma+4 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Opening test render

I just came...

...to the bridge to fire off my torpedo...

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Guess who's coming to dinner?

"Did you see the way they ate?!"

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Neutral Station

Oh sweet tit****!

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ C&C: ShockWave

I have been waiting for this day since I was still in High School. This is hands down my favorite mod for ZH and in my top 10 all time mods. I first played this mod over 8 years ago, and it is gratifying to see it live on. Thank all you who made this mod possible.

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Wonderful! Also, I gotta say love the direction TFF is taking. It is something I've always wanted from either a Sins expansion or mod. Thanks for all your efforts :)

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Loving the model updates but it makes me wonder. Will stations be receiving updated models/textures in TFF? Some are from the original release and look icky next to the new amazing ships you all have made.

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Prepare to leave spacedock...

Dakachin. Krim Dakachin. (Yes I know I am buchering the spelling on this)

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Leaving Research Outpost 43

*Kirk looks at tactical screen* Uh oh.
Spock: She can still out run us, and out gun us.

Good karma+2 votes
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Second star to the right!

Best wishes to you both. Thank you for helping to bring one the best mods to Sins and create arguably one of the best Star Trek themed games in our recent history. This mod is different than so many others due to the dedication and effort on the part of the whole modding team and it shows. You are the golden standard of making mods. I look forward to see what your talents can and will create next. Peace and long life!

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ New Nova ingame!

Wow love the new texture. Great work guys! Wish they were more useful beyond just scouts. Any plans for making this now stunning Nova matter more in our fleets?

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Hi guys love the update. Voted for this mod to be number one again as it rightly deserves to be. However I did notice one thing. Within 5 minutes a borg cube event occurred and attacked me. after about an hour or so a probe (the whales one) also showed up and destroyed my homeworld, and another Cube showed up in system as soon as i blew up the first at the 1 1/2 to 2 hour mark. Is this how the random event system is suppose to be or is this a bug? If it is intended I think a impossible to kill cube shouldn't appear that often otherwise a game will get bogged down by that event consistently occurring.

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

lol what does that mean?

Good karma+1 vote
ArbiterN7 - - 207 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it goes. I have always felt ships in this game are too flimsy and die really fast. I always wanted to make a slower game with small numbers of ships that last longer, much like how Axanar is being made. Other than slowing all settings and making the fleet count small, how can accomplish this is CTA? How can I make ships more sturdy? Is a massive re balance required for such a concept?

Good karma+2 votes