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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Its been a while but still playing from time to time.
Burgenland can't be integrated through the integration focus, not sure if this is intended or not but the province isnt listed in the document when checking the whole integration.

Nagy Imre and Horthy Miklos' traits gained from national foci dont actually appear on the characters.

The great budapest focus in the communist tree thats supposed to affect the Pest state actually affects a completely different state that Hungary doesnt even own.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Ok, its been a while but time to give some feedback.
Loving the new update, that said I'd be wondering if it wouldn't be wise to make the steel works and aluminium foci just 35 days, that or make them give civilian factories to make it worth 70 days.

The focus artillery factory in Győr focus giving a military factory in bacs kiskun and not where Győr is actually located. I forgot if I ever mentioned this or not, but just in case I'll mention it again.

It seems that once again the communists cant get cores on areas that are made to be cores from the reassert claims focus. So if you conquer southern slovakia, Berehovo, Szeklerland, Backa and Prekmurje then you cant core them, not even through integration.

South slavic trialism gives a core on Cebu which is in the phillipenes.

I already saw that someone else mentioned the lack of news message from proclaiming greater hungary, though I'd argue that an actually country name change to greater hungary seems a bit silly. If you do want to keep it then make a check to see if you kept the monarchy so you don't go from kingdom of hungary to greater hungary and instead go to Kingdom of greater Hungary (still not a fan of that.)
Also, I'd prefer if it was made clear in advance as to what areas can be integrated due to it.
Another idea of mine that you may or may not decide to follow is to rename the focus proclaim greater hungary when you are playing as the communists. The game already does something similar with german foci when you bring back the Kaiser.

Thank you for the great work, the extra traits and the very nice new backgrounds.

quick PS: under kádár when picking the focus for greater hungary it says it will rename the country to The Greater Hungarian Communist Commonwealth, but in reality it seems to switch to Balkan socialist union.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Great that the new version doesn't crash.
Found a small typo for now, the kassa bombing gives the relationship bonus/malus named reconciled with the doviet union. Most likely this was a small miss in the keystroke.

Hmm, seems that you can't take the decision home defence committee as Rákosi even when you took the focus home defence before going communist. Maybe it only works if you take it after going communist but I doubt it.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Definitely liking the new update, great new portrait for Horthy at least that must be said.
Just a problem with the new integration system, you can seemingly integrate core states like southern slovakia, székelyföld, etc, the cores you get from completing the focus reassert old claims. This is even possible when they are already cores which will then bombard you with endless endless to to crank that complience up until you finish the integration which is impossible as its already cored.

The following problem is probably and I mean its very sure to be because of Paradox, if you use operatives to set up collaboration governments (aka trying to increase the base compliance.) then this only works if you conquer the territory in a war and sadly not when the territory is given back. So assume you did the collaboration government through operatives 3 times meaning 90% compliance, but then Czechoslovakia returns the territory after you demand it. Then the compliance in the slovak states = 0, but if you were to conquer it manually then it would be 90%

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.6.0 (English)

The thing is, somehow if you don't have motorized researched and you take the focus then you don't get a research bonus for the botond so somehow the reduce ahead of time bonus +100% research bonus doesn't affect it. Yet it does apply to 37M Hanssa.
As for when you already researched the botond it gives a 2 bonus for mechanized, however it only affects the 37M Hanssa again and nothing beyond that.

As for polish/italian branches. I'd suggest a research group creation.
The polish one could have something like a lower cost to produce infantry weapons, seeing as you most likely have to deal with the ussr and germany.
A planning bonus, either planning speed or max planning in the sense of better collaboration in terms of tactics.
Lastly a focus that would give other members of this faction the same bonus and unless something extreme happens that would be Estonia, Latvia and lithuania.

As for Italy, I think they'd be fine right now. Perhaps a similar focus to the italian negotiations to get Fiume and possibly Zara and Istria as well.

Just one thing, would it be possible to change the negotiations with italy focus so that it reannexes their collaboration government for yugoslavia as otherwise it would become impossible to get Fiume. It's even impossible to trade slovenia for it in the partition event as Italy doesn't own those states directly anymore.

One last thing before I forget: Hungary can get a core on Belgrade through integration yet it isn't needed for the succesful revision focus, is this an oversight or is it a small bonus for Hungary to annex and core Belgrade?

Just an idea for something different. I know you once said in the past that adding a province for the parts of Árva and Szepes that were annexed to Poland wouldn't be worth it. So how about an decision instead, where if you have good relations with Poland and directly own Slovakia
you can start negotiations with Poland over it and upon success an event will pop-up saying that these areas will now be part of Hungary once more and it then gives you some small manpower and perhaps a bit of political power.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.6.0 (English)

It's a while since I used this account and played this game, only came back due to this mod.
The motorization focus doesn't give a bonus to the boton and only an ahead of time bonus for the mechenized. There is also no way to skip this focus if you already have the technology.

The idea of aligning with poland or italy is fun, sadly it's luck dependant as Italy doesn't seem to make its own faction that often unless forced into said focus tree through other things.
Also, if you use the join the polish faction decision then you can't take the focus and thus are locked out of the polonia militairy aid focus, which honestly feels a bit lacking. The offmap factory bonuses you both get is nice but otherwise it's just a 100% support artillery tech upgrade and then a 10% production cost for light tanks, which is the only worth taking.

I'll be searching for more things, as I found a few typos but I can't remember where I saw them, either it was in tank tech tree, plane tech tree. So I'll try to find them again.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.5.2

Indeed there is no way of checking for overall resource production, even if there was it could easily get circumvented by just occupying extra states that have steel. Or be Austria-Hungary that will most likely obtain enough steel once it regains several parts of their lands.

As for the equipment purchases, I do understand that the equipment purchases are based on historical trades/leases, however I'm not a fan of how Hoi4 handles the licenced production in the game.
But for Sweden I'd think some extra tank purchases such as the landsverk (seeing as the toldi production was considered a licenced production) and perhaps some anti air and anti tank.
Another thing that I have noticed is that Germany doesn't seem to research the anti tank variant of the medium tank for the equipment purchase you can make as Hungary.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.5.2

Just a suggestion, but would it be a possibility to add more equipment buying decisions from Sweden, don't see it worth all the PP just for some artillery.
Another suggestion of mine would be to add an extra focus that can be taken after you finish project toldi that gives you a research bonus for either the 1936 Nimród version or the 1941 Nimród version, with perhaps a small production modifier for it. Don't know if it's worthwhile to make a focus that spawns a specific design that uses self propellant light anti air tanks.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.5.0

The focus National socialist industry seems to list Transdanubia twice in the requirements, don't know if that was a coding mistake or not.
Seems a coding mistake, as for me the provinces neccesarily are: Northern-Hungary, Transdanubia, Transdanubia and Pest. And the gained factories appear in: Transdanubia (twice), Alföld and Pest.
Bit odd to have northern-hungary listed as a required state when no factories are build there with this focus.

I'll be searching for any other possible bugs.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Forgot to mention but since they changed the skill levels and turned them into stats, what is good is the soviet officer training since it turns starting leaders at lvl 2 but all their stats will still all be at 1 nonetheless. Perhaps its a better idea to have one point be increased like what the chinese focus tree does.

Do you have any plans to make the partition of yugoslavia focus also give you options if yugoslavia owns their cores that Italy has from the start (istria,zara and that part of slovenia which name I forgot.) since if the axis or italy's faction loses those lands like end up back with yugoslavia and the partition event doesn't resolve about them resulting in a small Yusoslavian remainder state.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Its been a while but if you make a puppet slovakia the decision to fuse it with carpathian-ruthenia appears even if you still own those provinces directly and the decision doesn't end up doing anything since that puppet state doesn't exist when you own that land yourself. If you do decide to make the carpatho-ruthenian puppet state then you can fuse them together with that said decision but then the decision to fuse the 2 won't go away which it probably should.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

I'm honestly wondering what Paradox is doing in the beta patch.
Lets fix the belgrade middlefinger into hungary if you own Banat and voivodina. Should we make a new province between the 2? Nah better attach everything to voivodina so you can get AHU borders whilst being completely unable to get Hungary's 1941 borders (which was already impossible due to no prekmurje and sobrance) this reminds me of that official focus tree again where Zoalzie is clearly hungarian land.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Just saw in the latest stream that the new german focus: integrate the war-economies under align hungary and align romania will turn those nations into puppets and give them 4 MIC if they are in the axis.

Also those align foci give +0.20 towards their ideology. Guess there should be a buff against anti fascist ideology (increasing ban the arrow cross party fascist reduction daily) Or just mod the german focus tree so it no longer does that and prevent them from taking a focus that puppets you when in axis.

Any idea if you can extend the Arpád line to Banat aswell due to it leaving a gap since one can fortify southern transylvania (personally I'd like it the province got split in 2 mostly because the province is too long and it might prevent less bordergore.) I assume you updated the extend the arpád line focus to also affect the new Székelyföld province?

If you ever got time It would be nice to have some news reel events for taking territory through foci, etc. Maybe one for the renewed Polish-Hungarian border if you own land bordering poland (giving increased relationship or something else.)

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

You once posted the link to the drive, and then I bookmarked it. But seems you now fixed it as I can't see it anymore.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Just read the update google drive for future updates.

Will the Béla kun focus be mutually exclusive with the kádár and Rákosi administations? Also since Béla kun historically died in 1937 will this option be timed (aka cannot do if soviets finished great purge and its the year 1938 and beyond?)

Is it also a possibility to allow Bulgaria to join in with the proposed partition of Romania between Hungary and the USSR (having the treaty of craiova fire then and having Germany create WT would feel odd if the USSR and hungary are partitioning Romania in the first place.)

Will the south-transylvania state also get split up like the north-transylvanian state?

Also just an idea but not sure if feasible: making states that already have a medium-high amount of Hungarian population integrate faster. Such as Pancevo (+-17% hungarian) Northern and Southern Partium aswell. (perhaps through the new decisions or something to make them integrate instantly for a cost or something else. As I would see those states integrate faster then states that didnt have much of Hungarian population)

Due to technical issues I can only play your mod in april again.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Latest dev diary shows events decision and special project for resources and others. Finally a good update from paradox still Hungary will likely get shafted by them but it will be a great addition for this mod.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Is it perhaps an idea to have the budapest research group have the same effect like the visegrad group wherein new members automatically join the research group. In one of my games Albania joined but decided to let them self be annexed by italy, after liberating them and they were in my faction once more they werent in the research group.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.1.1

Also it seems that when you get the győri event regarding breach of treaty of trianon the second and third options (one that cost pp and the other one delays it) make the event loop every few days until you revole the trianon treaty in its entirety.

The transylvanian autonomy creation event has the second and third option have the same name with different effect, might make it a bit clearly which one does what from option name.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.1.1

The hungarian small war event doesnt cede sobrance to hungary but prekmurje instead.

Furthermore if Slovakia decides to go to war against you Germany will instantly join them against you. (perhaps an event that kicks slovakia out of the axis if they decide to attack?)

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.1.0

As you can see I already need to own southern slovakia,berehovo,carpathian ruthernia and sobrance (or slovakia/carpathian ukraine needs to own it) before I can demand the rest of slovakia.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.1.0

Muller I found a bug for you: It's impossible to take the demand Slovakia focus eventhough Czechoslovakia owns all his land.
Added a image of what prevent me from taking the focus.


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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.0.0

Using the dlc, i saw that they had the anti soviet pact so when ussr dowed germany they joined as allies in that war, romania didnt join axis.
But since ussr was generating against romania they got the ultimatum whilst at war and accepted it. Guess it was just one of paradox bugs.
Osjiek being the captal of croatia when released is annoying but not gamebreaking.
Can you list in the focus that grants you the naval designer and some ships where the ships will be located, was searching for them quite a while before finding them in Trieste.

Unique tank designer when finishing skoda works as austriahungary is for later I suppose?
The biggest issue is the german AI which still is retarded beyond retardation.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.0.0

Dont know if this is due to paradox coding or due to the mod. Ussr demanded bessarabia and romania accepted (nothing wrong here) ussr already attacked germany. Somehow Romania joined the war against the ussr whilst not being guarenteed by anyone or being part of the axis, romania is democratic aligned with a communist majority.

And somehow Afghanistan joined the axis aswell.

It might be due to anti soviet pact but its still odd.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.0.0

Some bugs I found already: Croatia's capital isnt Zagrab when they get released. Germany keeps asking for access against poland and wont take no for an answer as they will just ask again a few days later. Same is for the polish refugees event it keeps firing even if you accepted once.

Question: is it possible to get the horthy succession events when you elect him as king or will it only fire if he is regent.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor 4.0.0

Will reinstall hoi4 tomorrow and give it a go, to try to find bugs.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

I wasnt expecting much to begin with. But even those expectations were betrayed.
Might try fortiify commie czechs or Op romania with his designers a try.
I dont really like how the designers work since it makes your standard tanks better then one with a generic and hungary did manage to create some own tanks and planes, so they should be capable of making better tanks/planes statwise then some other minors.

But still a focus to change the country's name into greater hungary, which doesnt do anything else. Still shocked and disgusted by it.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ Hungarian Flavor

Just tried out the Death and Dishonor dlc with Hungary. I'm not even going to bother putting most of my complains here, but seeing as they thought Hungary owned Zaolzie which clearly was a part of slovakia, whilst not adding banat to the hungarian cores and claims and fixing the borders of the Serbia province.

The worst is the the proclaim greater hungary focus, as it only changes the name of the country. No extra cores no modifier just a name change to being called "Greater Hungary". Hungary can get cores of all of transylvania except banat but only claims to the hungarian parts of czechoslovakia and yugoslavia.

Hungary also gets shafted with deginers as the other DoD countries get more flavor for it. Czechs get all the tank designers plus even an a special ship designer, romania gets unique tank designers, plane designers and ship designers, yugoslavia gets unique plane designers. It feels more like this dlc is the romania focus pack as they are the only one with a very strong focus tree.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ warchief1978's additions

Its not a solution I'm happy with aswell.
The risk of nerfing the major powers can definitly mess up the gameplay and that is to see if they fixed the German AI in the oak expansion.
Paradox should have done a better job regarding the resources, south america is joke since it hardly contains any resources in the game.

Other question: since czechoslovakia gets several tank designers will it be possible for austria-hungary to also get some different then the genetic tank designers which can unlock through foci if you annex the czechs?

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ warchief1978's additions

Regarding the steel production, I think it would be for the best if the steel production for some minors like hungary, romania,czechoslovakia,yugoslavia,greece and poland. Might be a bit lame of me to say but I doubt people will play countries like the netherlands with the hungary mod.

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Amaranthis - - 68 comments @ warchief1978's additions

Did find some information regarding Bauxite and aluminium. Maybe it can help you.


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