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I like to play the Vidya. I own a PC, PS2, Xbox 360, PSP, and a Powemac G4.

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2018 - New Year Update

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Hello, everyone! welcome to the future! hey technically were all time travelers but only going forward one day at a time! it's been about 8 years since I started posting here and with each update I've brought about some progress in my life and made these posts a little personal. It's mostly about my favorite games and what I'm looking forward to but also life. Last year was the first update I've made in quite a while, but I'm grateful MODDB still features this archaic blogging section for users like me. :) Currently, I'm 27 years old and just began my graduate program last Fall 2017 like I planned. I'm in a masters program in the field of sustainability which is pretty cool because I can separate my career of making a difference in the real world and hobbies like games for relaxing! that's not to put down developers. I think they are very important which is why I support them and purchase games to relax and enjoy the ride. :) I would like to mention that games were the medium that pushed me to my current field. Games like Final Fantasy 7 with Avalanche, the environmental activist group protesting the mighty corporation Shinra, extracting worldly energy resources, sucking life out of the planet. Games like Portal and HL2 making SCIENCE badass with insane theories and doohickeys that will probably exist in real life in the near future. Games like Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, making agriculture fun and cute. Games like Persona 3+ making school and clubs look cool and interesting while battling demons at night. Tangent time: That reminds me! I got a ps4 last July I KNOW HELL ITS ABOUT TIME! AS DUKE NUKEM WOULD SAY! I only mention that because Persona reminded me to pick up the latest in the series Persona 5 ;). Tangent done! I feel like my favorite series are growing right along my side and that is a blessing to experience. Game devs are magicians. They suspend you in disbelief as you embody their characters and stories. Afterall, what is life but full of characters and stories that you shape on your own?

Anyway of course mentioning Final Fantasy 7, and hopefully the REMAKE ON PS4 THAT COMES OUT THIS YEAR! I would like to talk about what games I'm excited to see that have been announced and are coming soon to a console or PC near you! (also being a single grad student does help cut some expenses of having a S.O. to spend fun monies on games instead of expensive outings) after all if I really wanted an S.O. I could get one after I'm financially responsible or chasing my dreams of a PhD with some funding because Grad School COUNTS AS A JOB AND DON'T LET OTHERS TELL YOU OTHERWISE).

Anyways.. GAMES! YES games to fill the void (and enjoy with my Player 2 eventually!)

Looking forward to GEARBOX helping to finish up WE HAPPY FEW (PC)! I've had it on steam early access for about a year but won't touch it till its done baking in the proverbial oven.

I think MONSTER HUNTER WORLD (PS4) looks really cool! can't wait to chase and be chased by monsters while zipping around like a survey corps member in Attack On Titan!

Also looking forward to God of War (PS4) I haven't played the others in the series but this looks good as a mature gamer (ha!) I have the right to play it and enjoy it without judgment!

What about computer games? honestly I haven't been able to keep up much because I need to update my machines processor and graphics card, and hard drives possibly. A bit of a pricey hassle but it would allow on smoother game play for my recent purchases such as Planet Coaster and Cities: Skylines.

I have also gamed on iPad Pro recently, hey as an aging 20something gamer, a little tablet gaming won't hurt my future serious gaming habits lol. I've played some indie stuff like Flower, Lego Jurassic Park which plays like a classic platformer! and some Ridge Racer for my racing fix.

Honestly I need a good racing game recommendation on ps4 or pc.

You know, I may update more than just once this year, depending... don't hold your breath dear reader but enjoy GAMES! :)


Holy Cow! like 4 years since my last blog!

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I actually transferred to university 2 years ago! in Fall 2015! to further education but what games were around then? nothing that interesting except Life is Strange, but this year I got a couple steam games like alien isolation and gta V, and last year I got we happy few wince was gud but needs updates.

So this year the plan is play games over spring break, graduate uni in june, hopefully get into at least one grad school to get a masters and deter loans till after earning that. :D Hopefully I find a good job with bachelors once I graduate in June. :)

Bioshock Infinite finally came out! =)

AccessGranted Blog

Last, Last week or should I say 2 weeks ago? LOL! Bioshock Infinite, my most anticipated game of the year had came out! I was ecstatic! ! ! You know it's been SIX YEARS! since the last GOOD Bioshock game came out and I finally got my grimey mitts on the new one. Let me tell you something! Bioshock Infinite is one of the best experiences I've had in gaming! ALL THE HYPE lived up to the game! It wasn't a particularly long experience (beat it within 17 1/2 hours) BUT it sure is longer than most modern games and it manages to tell a captivating story and keep you interested in playing to learn what happens next! When Spring break comes next week I'm going to start my second playthrough with 1999 MODE! :D

Happy New Year!

AccessGranted Blog

Hello MODDB community! what's that the world DIDN'T END IN 2012?! well then... Happy New Year! :]

I'm currently on break from school so that gives me time for some gaming and spending time with my girl and doing both as the same time! :D

I've acquired a vast collection of games since I last blogged most of them indie games with a few mainstream sprinkled in for good measure.

Many indie games were gotten through humble bundles and the mainstream through the steam summer sales the mainstream games such as skyrim from steam and a couple others such as dead space 2 and assassins creed brotherhood during the fall sales.

Pretty interesting year that 2012. I hope 2013 will be way better though!

Looking forward to the releases of new mods and games. I hope we are finally getting Bioshock Infinite this year. I'm really anticipating that one.

We'll see where this wibbly wobbly dimension takes us in the future.

It's Raining, It's Pouring... it's 2012!

AccessGranted Blog

Well well well! what have we here? a cheeky year for gaming and a repeat of the mid 2000s! I'll explain this part in a bit. =) First and foremost I would like to apologize for doing these blogs around once or twice a year and dear reader please forgive my lack of imagination as I'm not where I used to be in my prime of around 7! boy those were the days! remember the nineties? The days where consoles ruled supreme, Steam was still a concept yet to be executed and we relied mostly on magazines for our gaming news! AHHHH! I'm making myself feel old! I'm only 21 suffice to say the legal drinking and gambling age but I do still feel like a child at heart! The adventurer in me says let's pretend to be pirates, cowboys, and astronauts! It gives me hope that there is still a chance of ambiguity in this bleak world where music and movies have been drowned in the depths of the Atlantic never to surface the same again... but with video games, it feels different! ever evolving and becoming stronger, more intense, and unique every year thanks to the imaginations of millions. :D

My dear ladies and mentlegen, I have been ever so busy with school and life (a girlfriend who is amazing might I add! :D) I have rarely been playing many games the past couple months! Oh sure I received an iPad 2 last Christmas (thanks family! :3) So I have been playing some Angry Birds: Space here and a little Mass Effect infiltrator there but nothing absolutely captivating such as a PC or console game. But I hope to change that by playing a couple of console/PC games coming out this year! What might I be looking forward to you ask? Well lass, let me tell you! ;)

Mostly I'm really looking forward to the release of Bioshock: Infinite! Yes Irrational Games is finally at it again! this time not to the depths of the sea but to the elevated heights of the sky! In a time of industrialism and patriotism. This game looks absolutely brilliant! and I am not just saying that as an American (har har) I mean in the sense of the universe! it just seems so... lively and yet a bit frightening (in the psychological sense not in the boo! I'm a monster F.E.A.R. way).

Another amazing looking game that I'm really itching to get my hands on is Borderlands 2!
Sure it may look just like Borderlands but sometimes it good to follow the original formula and improve on it (or lessen depending on your stance of "WUBWUB") ;) But we can all agree that more guns, bigger baddies, and new abilities will more then make up for some aspects people may call faults.

As for the intro to this blog being a cheeky year for gaming? well that was juALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!

New Stuff

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Hi there MoDDB haven't been on here in a while and it looks like a bunch of the mods I'm watching still aren't out yet but that's OK. That's right! because we have a ton of great games coming out this year on pc and consoles! :D to start off I recently bought a new graphics card! a XFX Radeon HD 6870 with dual fans! it came with 3 free games too! Deus Ex 3, Dirt 3, and Shogun 2! I only really tried Deus Ex 3 so far( about 20 hours in!) but it's a pretty great experience! It reminds me of Deus Ex 1 which was amazing for it's time! :D Well anyways I guess I'll get back to gaming ( and a new college semester starting next Monday!) I'll be sure to watch some new mods I find interesting and comment on them too! =) Till next time, Take care! :]

Happy Late New Years!

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This year feels like it's gonna be really amazing! =) Portal 2 is finally coming out, Bullet Storm looks EPIC!, and L.A. Noire is gonna be real classy! :D not to mention all the steam games I got on sale recently! :] Counter-strike Condition Zero which includes the original counter-strike, GarrysMod, Supreme Commander 2, and some StarWars Jedi Knight games. I can't believe its already 2011!!! wow 2010 went by so fast! still a bit disappointed that BMS isn't out yet but looking forward to playing mods for the new games I've aquired! I feel like redecorating my room lol. If anyone reads this recommend some awesome mods via PM! Cheers! :)

Yes! I have now obtained a graphics card!

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It's an XFX 4650 1GB which is awesome. Most games that were slightly sluggish on high or ultra like Crysis now run pretty smooth! I guess graphics cards are helpful. Even though this is not the best graphics card in the world it is good enough for me for now! I might pick up a 6XXX series card down the road when needed. (means when I have money to spend on one! XD)

New PC games I've bought recently

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Recently, late June I built myself a new computer for gaming! =) the specifications are as follows: AMD Athlon ii x4 2.8ghz, 4 gigs ram, 890GX motherboard with integrated 4290, 250GB 7200RPM HDD, DVD drive at 24x, and a nice mid-tower Cooler master case! =) I plan on buying a Nvidia 460 1GB video card to accompany it later on. A couple new PC games I've bought: S.t.a.l.k.e.r. COP, L4d2, HL1, Trine, Deus Ex,Alpha Prime, Freedom Force, Killing Floor, Borderlands PC version with Knoxx DLC, Red Orchestra, and Dirt! thank God for Steam Sales! XD All of these games run at high to max except Dirt which runs at medium for better frame rate! I look forward to discovering many mods for these amazing games! :)

I'm still looking Forward to BMS (Black MESA Source) whenever it finally arrives. Some other nice upcoming pc games include Natural Selection 2, Orion, The Old Republic, Bullet Storm, and other stuff involving Cake! and some honorable mention mods: Opposing Force 2, Dawn of Victory, Outbreak Condemned, Raindrop! =) thanks for all the hard work everyone keep it up! :D I look forward the enjoying these awesome mods! ^-^

Thoughts on Games and Mods that are Released or Coming Soon

AccessGranted Blog

Remember 2007? Yeah that was the old best year in gaming welcome to 2010 which is going to be the new best year in gaming. Here's why. We are getting some of the best and newest sequels to awesome games that came out in 2007 such as Bioshock, Mass Effect, Crysis, C&C3, Crackdown, Lost Planet, and many more. We are also getting a couple of reboots and new series like Alien vs. Predator, Alan Wake, Alpha Protocol, M.A.G., Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Bayonetta, and so on... but enough about that! Let's talk mods. We are finally getting BlackMesaSource this year which I am absolutely looking forward to because it's Half-life and it features alot of new aspects such as new voice actors, graphics, and the awesome classic Half-life game play. Raindrop, another mod for Half-life 2 also looks quite interesting. I can never have enough horror mods and Raindrop looks really good so I hope it released soon. GoldenEye Source is one of the best multiplayer mods out now and it seems with the beta 4 coming out we are getting even more weapons, characters, and maps. The release is not out yet but it's coming so be on the lookout for this awesome experience that does the n64 game justice in source. I'm also looking forward to Bad Company 2 and GT TV is supposed to show some campaign footage! I hope it keeps it's light-hearted humor and isn't too serious and convoluted like Call of Duty MW2.