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And so it was written, that the only child of King Bartoloma Jamir, Cynthia, has gone missing one late night alongside Her personal bodyguard Kenseth Jacob. Treason thought the good King; Kenseth stealing the Princess away for some foul deed. And so he put forth a call of adventurers to find the good Princess. Many answered the call, spreading far across the land of Jsuth and beyond. Some for fame, some for fortune, and some even for the thrill of adventure. Our story focuses on a Sailor named Kan Hassen. While at sea a storm hits his ship. He tries his best to keep it afloat, but a storm wrecks his ship, knocking him unconscious in the process. He awakens inside a large house surrounded by two people, an old man with an axe and a beautiful young woman…the Princess herself! He had found her! Now he needs to get off the island, mind you it’s tricky to leave an island that floats high above the clouds. Now how it floats, that is the mystery of Tushka Island.

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New to ModDB! And some details about the game.

New to ModDB! And some details about the game.


Yes! I am new to ModDB(well the project is)! Here is a more in depth post about what the game is.