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Indie Game Story is a game about having a creative/development team and develop your own indie games, living the life of a small game studio, getting contracts to get enough money to finally work on your dream project. You’ll be able to hire your own staff, make them work like hell, fire them, get better employees, get better contracts, try to optimize your income as much as possible before going all-in on your own indie game project which you will have the total direction in your hands. Pick a type, a genre, a good name, develop your game audio, art, code and text (through your employees). Get a bigger office, get more employees and work on more ambitious projects!

Report RSS Alpha 1 is here!

This feels so good! The game has come such a long way since the beginning of the indiegogo campaign, I'm now very proud to let it out into our alpha testers' hands.

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This feels so good! The game has come such a long way since the beginning of the indiegogo campaign, I'm now very proud to let it out into our alpha testers' hands.

Indie Game Story is the result of years of evil corporate jobs, nervous breakdowns and years of side projects. In fact, IGS is what made me go away from my corporate hell and go indie, at home in peace.

I spent the last six months developing a game where you can have your own game studio, customize it how you really want it, get contracts, work with awesome employees, create your own games, publish them, get popular and compete against the whole IGS community with awesome online features.

Now there's about one third of it done, and I found awesome people who will take their precious time and test it so it gets better and more polished.

Therefore I present you:

Indie Game Story

An indie game about developing indie games.

Screenshot Saturday 106

Alpha 1 is available right now to indiegogo campaign funders and on Monday it will be available to the rest of the alpha testers.

Wanna get a piece of it? Prepare to report bugs, you still can get on the testers list! Expect a little delay before receiving an email, but it shouldn't take more than 24h.

Guess what, there's awesome stuff coming!

Limited time offer!

I just decided to go full awesome and start a super awesome limited time offer!

For the next week ONLY, get a free copy of the game on release by referring somebody who will donate 10$ or more to the indiegogo campaign!

Awesome isn't it? Free stuff, so anyone who can't afford the game for any reason can now get it for free!

How it works?

  • Get a friend to donate to our modest fundraising campaign
  • Tell them to send an email to info@indiegamestory.org and tell me that they were referred by
  • Once I received the email, I will contact you to inform you that you won a free copy of the game!

For more info, please refer to this thread.

That's if for today folks, I hope everybody is happy with the latest news!

Thanks for being so awesome, and keep rocking!

- Tommy

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Guest - - 707,045 comments

Wow, this is really awesome! I love these types of games, but in my opinion, this is the best one! Looks great and keep up the amazing work! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
tbergeron Author
tbergeron - - 23 comments

Thanks for such great comment! =)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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