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Enelysion is a 12 hour long freeware JRPG styled game developed in RPGMaker VX over the course of 4 years ( from 2010-2014 ) with a rich Celtic/New Age inspired soundtrack, strong visuals and engaging gameplay mechanics. It has been well-received within the RPGMaker community since its inception in 2011.

RSS Reviews

cap_h says

Agree (1) Disagree

A brilliant gam with emphasis on an expansive world, beautiful maps and story of a strong woman (non-sexist Xena).
For me the world and lore connected with was a deal maker. In comparison to some classic jRPGs, such as Final Fantasy series, maps in Enelysion are full of neat details, filled with life. There are towns without an appearance in the story and still they are rich on 'content.'
I spent over fifteen hours with the game and I every minute was worth it. This is the best experience you can get for free.


negoay says

Agree Disagree

RPG Maker games have their own charms for their players. But if you are looking for a good plot, well designed characters, hard worked maps and nice features combined in a single game, Enelysion Redux is what you are looking for.

It is hard to believe there are some unique and never-written-before stories lying out there somewhere. How can this one have a "better" plot than the others? Ladies and gentlemen, our young Luchino has made a story that contain common events in most RPG, but enriched the story with character designs and conntections between the events. Events that happened in the past, the characters' past and what's happening along the story are all connected to each other in some way. This makes the game look like it has too many seperate stories merged into one, but in fact every seperate story has a connection with the main story.

The twists on the story are made mostly by characters' themselves. The psychological and emotional sides of the characters are perfectly merged with the dialogues. Ideologies that the characters have are pretty clear, they show it in their actions and these actions pulls the story into different directions each time they have to face physically and mentally hard situations. And you won't even say "Why did he/she do that?" because you already know what he/she is thinking. In short, Enelysion might have the best character design I've seen in RPG Maker games so far.

Luchino says this game took her 4 years to make. Just looking at the maps will tell you why it took so long. Maps are designed very well and enriched with the lighting scripts and images. The tile-sets and decoration objects are used brilliantly in every corner. Speaking of scripts, this game has a bunch of extra features that does not included in RPG Maker but can be obtained via scripts, some of many are custom menu, battle and shop systems. And of course we must not forget Ronove who drew those beautiful character portraits in game, they look really good in game.

Battles are really tricky in Enelysion. You will always have a chance to run before the battle starts since the game doesn't use "random encounter" thing. Enemies has elemental weaknesses and immunities, which make the battles harder with the requirement of good strategies for each monster. This especially makes the boss fights harder! But it is never annoyingly hard, Luchino really did everything she can do in game that can help you.

The only thing that make me a little upset is that it is a little hard to find your way in game. Maybe it's about my memory, but I can't find the towns/shrines I'm looking for! Everytime I needed to search whole world map. Therefore I think if there were more "signs" in game, that would be awesome, especially for me... But this doesn't change the fact that the game, Enelysion Redux is a brilliant game. HEAVILY RECOMMENDED!