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Adventure Let Free is a game being created and published by Me [Cole William] CEO of Flagship Studios, the game will give the player and user a vast feel of a free open world game where they can listen to birds, wind, and just enjoy life in a simulated world. This game has yet to be released and we are trying to keep a story line short until we give a Beta Release! --Please understand this Site Administration--

Add job Report Graphics Designer at Flagship Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located USA Ideal, Britain,AUS,LONDON,Etc...

Posted by Flagship-studios.net on

General Info:
In this department of our company you will be our Graphics Designer for our Company & Indie Games we will be working on.

Being a regular employee you will be a 3 month intern before becoming apart of the official Payroll which will be paid an amount that we both agree upon privately.

Interview & How to Apply:
To apply we request
1 - Personal Resume
2 - Graphics Design you made
3 - Confidence to work under pressure
4 - Being available for conference calls all week

How to get through the Interview Piece
1 - You will be judged by our Executive Branch
2 - You must have a USA Phone Number
3 - You must be able to be called on the week/weekend

Please send your E-Mail to

Subject the E-Mail as
Flagship Studios | Graphics Designer

To Apply

Follow the description to know how to apply!