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The Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world to fall December 21, 2012. To find the true answers to this prophecy Frank Mors finds himself in the middle of a zombie attack. Frank soon realizes that he’s the only one that can stop the prophecy and save the world.

Add job Report 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, Humanoid Modeling/Animation, and/or Texturing at Gliese Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Gliese Games on

Necessities: 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, Humanoid Modeling/Animation, and/or Texturing. Unity experience is a must for humanoids and any other 3D animation.

This is for portfolio purposes only. There is no pay that will be distributed unless, because of the game being extremely well done, we are accepted to distribute the game to something like Steam and/or other publishers. So imagine it as a "free internship" unless Steam and/or other distributors accept our game. This will provide you with some portfolio work to show that you not only started a project (which no one cares if you start one) but to show that you finished a full project (the key thing employers look for). It also will help you get experience in a team-based environment.

We will be using Skype for communication, Trello for roles and updates in the development process, Google Drive for design documents, BitBucket for everyone to share the same project in sync, and Unity for the actual game. Your preferred art program is up to you, as long as you can successfully export to the Unity Engine and can test your models.

The project is expected to start mid to late May and go on for at least 3 months.

To Apply

Send some example work, why you're interested, and anything else that might catch our attention to: support@gliesegames.com