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Scream Productions is an indie game company that is now taking volunteers to assist in the production of their first game: Worldsong. The game is a 2D, side-scrolling, horror game that introduces a game style that has never before been seen in a horror game. The game is based off of a creepypasta known as: The Faceless Mourner. The theme of the game is the four different seasons and a mysterious figure who throughout the game seems to be trying to send a message to the player. As you progress throughout the game the mysterious figure becomes more desperate. If you have a talent or skill that you think could be of use to Scream Productions, please, e-mail us. Sincerely, The Lead Producer and Director, Isasis Hendrickson.

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Sign-ups Will Continue To Be Open!

Sign-ups Will Continue To Be Open!


Information on a change of plans that has to do with sign ups!

Apply For Work At Scream Productions!

Apply For Work At Scream Productions!


Apply for volunteer work at Scream Productions (NEWS)