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LagMac Studio is a “one man band” team. My name is Gino, i am 44 years old and i live in Italy in the food valley, the land of “ham of Parma” and “Parmiggiano Reggiano”. Between an ham sandwich and a piece of cheese, between my real job and my beautifull wife (i Love you Vera), i find a little bit of time to develop my video games.

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EFZG - New images set

EFZG - New images set

Code Name E.F.Z.G.

A new images set where you can see some enemies. All the enemies are animated with different types of animation like idle, attack, die, panic and so on.

EFZG - new graphic style

EFZG - new graphic style

Code Name E.F.Z.G. 4 comments

I have spent a lot of time to meditate to decide if this thing would be a good thing or not. At the end i have taken my decision : it’s a good thing...

Code Name E.F.Z.G. - Demo available for download

Code Name E.F.Z.G. - Demo available for download


Is a pleasure to announce to all IndieDB community people that the demo of Code Name E.F.Z.G. is available for download. The demo is available for Windows...

Code Name E.F.Z.G. - 3D Puzzle Game for Win-OSX-Linux

Code Name E.F.Z.G. - 3D Puzzle Game for Win-OSX-Linux

News 1 comment

EFZG is a simple 3D puzzle game, currently in pre-alpha state, developed using Unity3D in C# language.