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Post news RSS Wyrmsun 2.0.0 is now out (and free on Steam!)

This patch brings major additions to the game, and along with it the game has been made free on Steam!

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Wyrmsun 2.0.0 is now out! This patch brings major changes to the game, such as the addition of spearmen, of readable scrolls (which provide slight permanent bonuses to heroes), and the addition of 42 new music pieces which Marcelo Fernandez kindly contributed to Wyrmsun!

And the biggest news: Wyrmsun is now free on Steam! And together with the release of this patch, we have launched two new DLCs, the Frankish Faction Flair Pack and the Brising Faction Flair Pack. Players had already bought the game on Steam have automatically been granted the DLCs for free.

The Brising Faction Flair Pack adds news graphics when playing the dwarven Brising Clan, such as their volcanic smithy.

Wyrm Screenshots Wyrm Screenshots

Wyrm Screenshots

The Frankish Faction Flair Pack enhances Frankish factions with graphics specific to their culture, such as new unit portraits.

In addition, the base game now counts with the addition of spearmen for both civilizations, who are cheaper than swordsmen and axemen and have a bonus against cavalry, but are less armored and deal less damage. Your heroes may now also find scrolls dropped from enemies, which when read grant small permanent bonuses. For example: finding a scroll containing a dwarven poem about the slaying of a mythical wyrm will grant your hero a 1% damage bonus against wyrms.

With the game being made free on Steam, we will no longer provide builds on IndieDB.

Kingravel - - 109 comments

Oh no, another vicitm of Steam's monopoly. :( I'm really sad, as I liked your game very much, but I'm allergic against Steam. Will there be no way to get the game without having to install Steam?

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Andrettin Author
Andrettin - - 92 comments

The game is also available in the repository:


The new releases will keep being put up there :)

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Kingravel - - 109 comments

That's really great news! Thank you very much! :)

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zagloba0 - - 1 comments

Hmm, I downloaded version 1.9 from indieDB, and since I am new to github, I don't know how can I upgrade my 1.9 to 2.4 using your github repository, could you give me a few tips? (or anybody)

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Andrettin Author
Andrettin - - 92 comments

Hey, you just need to download the release's ZIP, then unzip that somewhere, and then download and put the wyrmsun.exe and SDL.dll in the same folder.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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