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Post news Report RSS User Interface Update v0.1.1

After 5 months of developing the User Interface on this project i thought it would be right to get a little bit more serious.

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Before i say anything i want to mention that i have a problem with my keyboard so for any mistakes blame that. XD

Hello fellow S.A.O fans. As promised here's the update i metioned. Had some bugs to fix thats why it got delayed.


So in this update we have the folowing topics :


1: Loot and other Pop-Ups
2: Quest ( UI ) Option
3: Trasperant Feature
4: Bugs
5: Updates
6: Changelog

1 Loot and other Pop-Ups


With the major part of the main menu completed i moved onto the Pop-Ups Menus.


The version 2 of the confirmation of the option create a party ( social>>party>>create )
Version 1 : Version 2 :

Post-media party creation messageCropped Pop-Ups

and the log out comfirmation pop-up ( options>>log_out ) is completed.
Also the version 1 of the Loot Pop-Up dialog is here.

Here's the preview

Loot Pop-Up Idle

This pop-up will open after you defeat the engaged group of mobs ( enemies ).

The contents of the window are :

The button has 2 status. First one is idle gray and the other one is hovered yellow.


Exp indicates the number of experience gained during the battle.
Exp minimum value is 1.


Col indicates the amount of col ( in game currency ) gained.
Col gained might be 0 at some times.


Items indicates the number of items looted from the mobs ( enemies ).
Items value might be 0 at some times.

Here's the test preview

Loot Pop-Up Hovered Test

2 Quest ( UI ) Option


As mentioned on previous posts THE UI IS NOT COMPLETE. I know that there are issues like coding, positioning, and graphic issues.

But i don't know what's wrong with you guys/girls doing like crazy and try to correct me. I want to be corrected but not on the way you're doing it. I always open to suggestions to make anything better but it seems that no one cares, UNTIL a demonstration picture is uploaded.


Sorry everyone i'm reffering to Quest as option on the user interface not as ingame option yet. :(


The Quest option has been removed from the Profile menu ( profile>>quest )
Before : ( sorry no crop on this one ) After :

UI Update v0.1 Quest Option
and repositioned into the Map menu ( map>>quest )
Quest Option

3 Trasperant Feature


Whether the trasperant feature will be on or off is a subject to change.
All i have to say is: The next pics i'll upload include some Computer related brands, that i don't want to forward or anything.Just because of the colors they have are great for testing the trasparent feature.


I had some free time so added a trasperant feature on the pop-up menus.


The trasperant feature has been already applied here :

1: Log Out Pop-Up
2: Create Party Pop-Up
3: Loot Pop-Up

The following are a demonstration of the work i've done so far.

1: Log Out

Normal :

Cropped Pop-Ups

Trasperant 60% :

UI Update v0.1 Pop-Up Update

2: Create Party

Normal :

Cropped Pop-Ups

Trasperant 60 % :

UI Update v0.1 Pop-Up Update

3: Loot

Normal : Trasperant 60 % :

UI Update v0.1 Pop-Up Update UI Update v0.1 Pop-Up Update

4 Bugs


Everything that has something to do with computers contain bugs.
So does my UI.


Fixed a bug where hover buttons had different colors than intented.
Fixed a bug where disolve and invite buttons where still disabled after creating a party.
Fixed a bug where the log out button was still highlighted after the confirmation pop-up returned the value "cancel".

5 Updates


From now on i will change the information included with my updates including this one.


Any further updates from me will include

1: Contents
1.1: Notes
There will be notes included on everything.
1.2: Summary
1.3: Contents
2: Preview
2.1: Domonstration Pics
There will be included demo pics on every topic.
2.2: Details
There will be a detailed report on every content.
3: Changelog
3.1 Bugs
There will be a report on the bugs that got fixed after avery update.
3.2 Changes
There will be a summary of the changes introduced with each version.

6 Changelog

v0.0.1 (First test release)
Main Menu created
Create Party Pop-Up v1 created
Resources updated
Main Menu updated
Log Out Pop-Up v1 created
Create Party updated from v1 to v2
Accessories repositioned
Message Box repositioned
Possition Check repositioned
Write Message created
v0.1.1 ( current version )
Trasperant feature introduced
Loot Pop-Up v1 created
Quest repositioned
Log Out Pop-Up updated to support Trasperant feature
Create Party Pop-Up updated to support Trasperant feature

Just a note for all of you.

Some of you got angry with my ecchi wallpapers so i changed them and cropped any of the pictures. Again i will say that i had no intentions of insulting anyone. I included them for 2 reasons :
1st because i thought they were cute.
2nd because that way no one could say "this is fake" or "it's just a fanart" or something like that.
Again i'm sorry for everything.

Anyway, as always i'm open for suggestions, just post them bellow or send me a pm.

Your support makes me happy and gives me strength to carry on.
Closing i will thanks Gatreh for his info and Astreus for sending me his database.

I'm trying to finish my part so the game will be available as soon as possible. :D

Sorry for any possible grammar and spelling mistakes thats because my native language isn't english. :)

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Guest - - 700,077 comments


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Azuna Author
Azuna - - 170 comments


Reply Good karma+3 votes
Astreus - - 8 comments

Now, this is an UPDATE!

We need to go forward with this project no matter what!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 700,077 comments

Please do continue with this. Despite it obviously being impossible to play it VR I would love to play a game in the sword art world. Can I ask what language you will be coding the game in?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Leehalloween - - 11 comments

And the gameplay?
You meke beautful UIs,
but when the hard part will not be as good.
You need an team.
anyway, keep going.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ciaysuu - - 32 comments

Great work Azuna, Wish we could see an awesome job from the gameplay as well:) Keep going, ill root for yea xD

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jethroheaney - - 1 comments

Didn't know where to ask this but will the nervegear actually be like the one in the anime? Like will you be put into a digital world?

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Azuna Author
Azuna - - 170 comments

Yea :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
~Bex~ - - 1 comments

Im hoping to have this question answered and im sure others are hoping too, so if this gets answered can you also put it in the FAQ for everyone else as well... Regarding the Nervegear, do you have developers working on this technology currently? Surely you all realize that in order to make such a product you need to be able to understand the brains functions; something not even scientists have figured out yet. How and will it be as immersive as in SAO?

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dhamblin - - 2 comments

Thank you so much, this is the best show I've ever watched. It will be an amazing game and I know you will make it amazing.

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ViolentViolet - - 10 comments

Awesome job, honestly you're making my dream come true

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