I believe in XR and with the Quest 3 or VisionPro the signs are pointing in that direction. That's why I wanted to deal with the topic again... The result. An Unbuild VR port for the Meta Quests, tada!
It's actually a 1:1 port only with VR touch controllers and a new UI...
I started from the Unity example scene where a complete XR setup works.
I put all existing constructs together in this edition. It's already 29!
I'm surprised how standardized the inputs and implementations are... you can finally focus on content!
I'll be adding a second game mode to Unbuild in VR Edition if players find one! In this mode the goal is to collapse the tower with as few bricks as possible!
And I'll definitely try how it plays when you have to pull the stones out yourself, so that they don't just disappear with a click :-)
And building the next constructs in VR also seems very very tempting to me :-)
I'll keep you posted... The app has been submitted to Meta and will be available for free for a few days when it's released.
Until then, be brave!
Your Matthias from Klickaffen
That was fixed... today you just have to exchange the generic controller models for Quest controllers...
Go to the game store page here!
As promised, a limited time free!
Best regards Matthew