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Post news Report RSS Thedas Kings Pre-Alpha Release v0.01 !!!

Here it comes in few hours as a reward for your awesome support and patience, the first ever released Dragon Age mod for Crusader Kings 2 : Thedas Kings !

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"Winter has come, Christmas is coming"

I hope you all got a nice Christmas eve but Im here to talk with you of more serious things...

What to expect from this Pre-Alpha ???

Then read carefully the following lines :

What's inside the box ? :

- An absolutely gorgeous map of whole Thedas with all provinces lore-wise named !

-Several famous Fereldan characters such as Loghain, Alistair and Cailan !

- Ferelden and Tevinter empires fully playable with free casus belli to have as much fun as possible !

-Shattered world of Thedas with only 2 major empire : everything is possible !

- Most of main cultures and religions are here. Be free to create your own characters to fully enjoy your first steps into the world of Thedas

-Rusty Blight/Dwarves Mechanics for having fun even Underground !

What's missing :

Way too much to be listed totally but here are the black points of this release our team will focus on fixing the following week :

- Most of the map will be black when choosing a Bookmark... Why you may wonder ? Well its because we hadnt time to set all title history, which will be our priority in the future so dont worry it will get way better soon enough and u will be able to play anything in the realms of Thedas.

-Basic events and some localization aswell

-99,9% of the flags... We are working on it

-Important characters that should be added really soon

Note : Please consider this release as a PRE-alpha and that it doesnt totally reflect the hard work our team provided the previous month as most of mechanics are unready because they need to be released all-together (grey wardens, landless characters...)

I hope you guys can have fun with that build, please report any bug you may encounter ! :)

Post comment Comments
DonCornholium - - 94 comments

Hey i have some questions:1.Will the Warden,The Champion of Kirkwall and The Inquisitor will be included intro mod as characters or playble characters?
2.There will things like grand archivements like you start as a elf you rebel and you rebuild the elf state of Dales ?
3.What is the Earliest Bookmark?
4.Will you be able to create your character ?like you want to be mage or tendecys for the rogue side or maybe a warrior?
5.How will you handle magic ?

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Dragamyre - - 602 comments

Offer; Test a mod, list some useful bugs fixes, wait for a patch/new version... annnd stop asking those weird questions...

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KStick - - 12 comments

1. yes they will
2. yes you will be able to make the dales or even more
3. we dont know yet
4. yes that is what ruler design is for
5. i cant tell you there might be some on the team that can but it is not a finish system so we cant promise anything

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StellarAngel Author
StellarAngel - - 546 comments

I approve :)

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ElSapo123 - - 29 comments

1) The main objective for the first complete version is add the warden, but maybe on future version we'll add as much people as we can.
2) We are planning to do specific dalish mechanism for the first complete version.
3) Some year before Origin
5) On our original script the magic will be integrated both on a duel engine and both on event favours.

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Anromind - - 240 comments

Well from my opinion
1. Warden as Playable, similiar to Agot's Event chains of Daenarys, end of Road as Arling of Amaranthine or King / Queen of Ferelden (Debateable if ruling on his/her own or Married to the Ruler, and being Arl of Amaranthine)
2. Well i've sort of planned to have alot more Dalish Possible Kingdoms, One in Tirashan, one in Arlathan, one in Bercilian ( ostagar?) And Green Dales (and Plancasene Forest mayby?)
3.If possible, the Fereldan-Orlesian Wars.
4.Well we could think of similiar Education Traits as in the Elder Kings when it comes to it, Such as Bards, Agents and so forth
5. Havn't That figured out yet

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BLazerules - - 6 comments

Will this mod feature some "RPG-like" features? For example look at "The Elder Kings" mod (which is honestly more of an RPG than FO4 xD). It has items, quests (in the shape of events.) and more! I think it would be both pretty cool and thematic to have such features in Thedas Kings. For example being a mage "Dreamer" or an apostate would be one of the most amazing things.

On another note, dragons! Will they be around? And if so will we be capable of taming them?

Not to mention darkspawn, would be pretty cool to play as darkspawn although I imagine that's a faction that works in a very odd way. Being very nomadic and fractured until an archdemon is found and it becomes a theocracy.

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StellarAngel Author
StellarAngel - - 546 comments

We planned a plenty of new RPG features (thats why we want the Landless characters to be playable) I believe and we have alot of ideas about it, but you know, its not our priority at the moment, there is so much to do.

And well ye, why not Taming a dragon but that would be super-rare and really hard.

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KStick - - 12 comments

As for darkspawns they are planned to be in the mod but not for a long time

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simtus - - 15 comments

I know this is probably too soon to ask but: When do you guys think(if you're thinking very optimistic about it) will the full Version be released?

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ElSapo123 - - 29 comments

Too soon to ask :P

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StellarAngel Author
StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Ask us again in 6 month and we shall see ^^

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Guest - - 699,960 comments

I'm glad to see this released. :D
1. Could you perhaps split the map onto two standalone mods or campaigns?
You know: The Deep Roads and Thedas.
I think it should be a good idea because these two maps didn't interact each other (yet?).

2. About Deep Roads:
Current system of roads and they heirs provides that Dwarfs will be rulling whole deep roads without any battles or colinisations in maybe 40 years.
Maybe it is wise to make all roads controlled by DS(1 provice states) and make 2, 3 or 4 bigger states that are controlled by Dwarfs. (Orzammar and big Thaigs)
1 or 2 bigger DS factions. (Bownammar?)
Events about Legion of the Dead and other.
Decrease number of DS looter bands to 20%-50%.
Game with time to cut down DS before they unite. :c

I really want to know what are you planning about Deep Roads :D

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ElSapo123 - - 29 comments

"I'm glad to see this released. :D
1. Could you perhaps split the map onto two standalone mods or campaigns?
You know: The Deep Roads and Thedas.
I think it should be a good idea because these two maps didn't interact each other (yet?)."
On the released release they will not communicate but we are working on doing entry that work as a bridge between the 2 "worlds" on lore-friendly place like Gwaren.
About your 2 question, yes, We are planning to do something very nice for deeproad, but we didn't did yet the title history, so if you don't select orzammar as starting character all will be united and crash on few month being all confuse, if you want to play choose orzammar king please at moment. So you'll have a lot to colonize :P .
"Decrease number of DS looter bands to 20%-50%.
Game with time to cut down DS before they unite. :c"
That's my fault, I did the darkspawn event some day before the release, so I had no occasion to test it adequately. The dwarf will controll very few of deep roads, because most of it will be or province infested by ds or ruin, but we have in mind very nice addition to them.

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jmac006 - - 135 comments

Ive installed a lot of mods for mount and blade and the game of thrones one for ck2 but for some reason i cant get this one to work, any chance u guys can list a step by step, im sure im missing something really easy. Its always the little things. Looking forward to your next updated version, I may just wait for that one to try and play, keep it up, the lands of (thedas)dragon age needs a good ck mod.

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NKGalahad - - 145 comments

a Suggestion Startdates would be .. the first dragon age game, 2nd game (even it if its was relly bad) and 3rd date would be for .. latest game or timeline. even Before the first events of Thedas happend, maybe under King Marics timeline as King? around ? I am not sure what else.. could work :)

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darkknight_ams - - 16 comments

what version of the vanilla is compatible with the mod?
And the mod is still in progress? I'm anxiously waiting for the final version!

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StellarAngel Author
StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Alpha playable version is coming soon, but its a secret :p

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