The Birth of the Intergalactic Planetary Expansion (IPE)
At the heart of "Space Tales" lies the Intergalactic Planetary Expansion, or IPE, a sprawling organization tasked with the monumental mission of uniting the galaxy under a single banner. Inspired by the noble ideals of unity and progress, the IPE represents the best of humanity's aspirations. This galactic endeavor is championed by Commander Xander, a promising and dedicated soldier who follows in the legendary footsteps of his father, General Falcon. Blinded by the IPE's grand vision, Xander initially believes wholeheartedly in their noble cause.
Uncovering Dark Secrets
However, as Xander ventures deeper into the cosmos, he begins to peel back the layers of secrecy that shroud the IPE's true intentions. Unsettling truths lurk beneath the surface, challenging his unwavering loyalty and thrusting him into a battle for truth, justice, and the very survival of humanity. "Space Tales" invites players to follow Commander Xander on this thrilling journey of self-discovery as they uncover the dark secrets of a tyrannical regime and challenge the status quo.
Exploring the Galaxy
One of the key aspects of "Space Tales" is its commitment to delivering an immersive and captivating storyline. The game not only offers intense gameplay but also invites players to explore the depths of its cosmic lore. As you traverse uncharted planets and meet a cast of diverse characters, you'll gradually unveil the hidden truths of the universe. The decisions you make as Commander Xander will shape the destiny of the galaxy, making each playthrough a unique and engaging experience.
The Promise of Space Tales
"Space Tales" isn't just about commanding armies and conquering planets; it's about immersing players in a universe brimming with intrigue, suspense, and unforgettable characters. The game's narrative depth adds layers of meaning to every strategic decision, allowing players to feel like true cosmic commanders. With every line of code, pixel rendered, and strategy devised, Saigon Dragon Studios is committed to transporting players back to that magical era of epic space adventures.
In "Space Tales," the cosmic lore isn't just a backdrop; it's a central element that envelops players in a universe waiting to be explored, a story waiting to be unraveled, and a destiny waiting to be forged.
The first Demo of Space Tales will be available next month, in October - and we will need to hear your feedback!
Stay tuned for updates as we journey deeper into the cosmic lore of this exciting RTS adventure.