The subROV playtest is open!
Sign up now and Steam will send you an email as soon as you're granted access to the playtest.
How we're going to organize the playtest
Since this is the first time we do a playtest, we're going to grant access to a small group of people first. If we see that everything is going fine, we'll grant access to everyone in the queue in a few hours. Then we'll keep granting access to people in batches until the end of the playtest, in about a week from now.
What we expect from the playtest
We want to see what people think of subROV, and we want to make sure the tutorials work (you don't get stuck, don't get bored, and actually learn how to operate the ROV).
How YOU can help
You are already helping, so thank you very much!
We'll be really grateful for any feedback you send us. This is the best way to help us improve the game!
You can send us feedback in many ways:
- Straight from the game at any time by pressing F8,
- Through our Discord Server,
- Through Twitter,
- By email (info 'at'
Seriously, keep in touch! we'll love to hear from you.
Other things to Keep in mind
- The game is in early development. Both features and content will change between now and release.
- You can stream and record the game, but please let people know that it is a playtest from an early version.
- subROV has a manual! Give it a look if you want a full explanation of how the various game systems work.