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Post news RSS Stretch goal "Ascend Artifacts" is reached! Herald's Dreams are coming!

Funds for the current stretch goal - Ascend Artifacts - are successfully gathered. Thanks to backers, UnDungeon got a new edge - now these strange objects will learn to evolve!

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Funds for the current stretch goal - Ascend Artifacts - are successfully gathered. Thanks to backers, UnDungeon got a new edge - now these strange objects will learn to evolve!

The next announced stretch goal won’t bring any new gameplay elements, but it is extremely important for the perception of the game and gaining more immersive experience. What is meant here is Ultraviolent Mode. In case of achieving this stretch goal, we will add a set of additional death animations for all foes bigger than a dog. Thus, you will be able to vividly hack, perforate, decapitate them and make other spectacular moves. The feature will be optional, so you will get a possibility to disable it in settings.

stretch v5

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