But probably not for the reason you are thinking.
I'm proud to announce that the Starsiege:2845 project (formerly a TC MOD for Tribes:Vengeance) has been greenlighted by VU Games to become a stand alone game and will immediately be moving to development on the new Torque Shader Engine (TSE).
Therefore since we are no longer a MOD, we will have to be leaving the comfy environs of our profile page here and moving on. We'd like to wish everyone here the best of luck with your projects and thank everyone that voted for us in the recent MOD contest. Take care and see you all on the flip side.
Lucky basterds :D
What ya mean ? I guess I'm not sure what's been going on? I thought the mod was going to be part of the Tribes:Vengeance Release? SO confused.... Whats going on with the team and vailias and all the cool stuff thats been developed so far? Has it all gone for naught?
Well done.
w00t, congrats.
make sure to get added as a game, :D
or move to the standalone games catageory for a while!
Yes, just edit the game in the profile to "standalone"
So VU gets a game designed for them to sell, for free by volunteers?
VU never had anything to do with making the games, they just advertise and distribute them.
heh, im usin TSE for Shadow Lore as well.. Good pick :D Should work out very well for ya ;)
I have no idea of who you guys are, but good job anyways! Mods going commercial is always cool:)