Project Haven is an upcoming dystopian Tactical Turn-Based RPG with a gritty story campaign that can be played either solo or with up to three friends.
Project Haven puts you in charge of the Steel Dragons, a motley crew of mercenaries that fights for survival in the harsh streets of Haven City, the last city of Earth.
Some of the features are:
- Unique free-aiming system with simulated projectiles
- Flexible tactical combat with unrestricted navigation
- Mature storytelling
- Classless RPG character building
- Advanced weapon mechanics
You’ll be able to play Project Haven’s Alpha Demo during the Steam Game Festival Summer Edition for a limited period of time only.
The Alpha Demo contains the first three campaign missions and a taste of Project Haven's 4 player online co-op play through the skirmish mode.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, we’d be very interested in hearing from you! You can share your feedback and report any problems and bugs on the Steam Platform, on our Discord Server or directly through our email: support [at] @foresightgames [dot] com
With the help of you, our community, we will make Project Haven the best it can!
Please visit our Steam page and try the demo.