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Introducing Lift, a flight sandbox game with real world physics and 100% customizable, user created planes.

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Welcome to the world of Lift!


Lift focuses on user generated content based on the physics of flight. It is still in a very early alpha state and as such things are going to change. At this point though, it is 100% functional in terms of building and flying planes. Graphics and additional content will be improved as development continues.

Below are two screenshots of the first user created planes. I use the term planes lightly because as you can see, not all of them look like planes.

User Showcase

User Showcase

Even though they may not look like planes, they still follow the rules of flight. Not all of them fly very well though.


As of now, Lift will contain a sandbox mode where anything goes, and challenge mode where you pick from a selection of challenges and try to complete them with the various planes either you or the community create. It will be a competition against your peers. There won't be an "participant" awards so be sure to bring your game face.

Everything is focused on the physics of flight. Your center of gravity better be in the right spot, otherwise you'll flip around like a kid on a trampoline. Some challenges will require various attachments of different sizes and weights. If you build a plane and need to strap a giant bomb to it, it better be built to handle the weight otherwise you'll be eating dirt. Be sure to pause it and watch the crash in slow motion though.


As I said earlier, Lift is very early alpha still. However, there are playable Web, Windows, and Linux builds available. They do require an internet connection in order to talk to the servers to grab all the planes and content. Playing offline will yield unknown results.

There has been a development log on the tigsource forums for a few months that has at least a terabyte of gifs by now and lots of discussion and other information: TIGSSource

Here are the latest links to playable builds:


Web Player

Lift 0.2.0 Win32

Lift 0.2.0 Linux

Lift 0.2.0 OSX

VERSION 0.1.2:

There is a slight texture issue with the Linux build that I will not be able to fix until I set up a Linux box, but it is minor.

And now I leave you with some gifs, because this game shines when in motion.


This is a plane getting hit by a missile. The lines indicate physics forces. Magenta is velocity, green is lift, red is drag, yellow is weight, and blue is thrust.


This plane is extremely heavy. I can barely get it off the ground and it takes a hit from a missile no problem because it is so heavy. Look above at the enterprise gif and see how that self destructs when it gets hit by a missile.


This is what happens when a plane goes too fast. It blows up and pieces go flying everywhere. The wing physics are displayed nicely here.

And once more, a lot more content and discussion is available here: TIGSource

Follow @liftthegame on twitter for daily gifs and new user created planes, and general updates.

Thanks for reading.


TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Woo awesome :D, lovely simple art also, tracking.

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forsy Author
forsy - - 32 comments

Thanks! the art style is mostly out of necessity at this point since I am flying solo at the moment and I'm not an artist :P It will probably stay like this though, just with a little added love from a real artist eventually.

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momomo544 - - 101 comments

Sweet, looks awesome! Tracking!

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TommyTo - - 4 comments

Awesome game love it!!!I will make a video on it!

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forsy Author
forsy - - 32 comments

Thanks! looking forward to seeing the video :)

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BrokenZilence - - 45 comments

I made a plane... It doesn't fly well D: But game is very fun to play and make planes in!

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forsy Author
forsy - - 32 comments

Hehe yeah I flew your plane, that thing is huge, probably the biggest one yet :P

You should go in and make each part of the plane much heavier (increase mass value). Very large wings and component sizes with relatively light weight do not work very well.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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