Hi fans! I thought I'd write a status report to go with our new screenshots. Here's what's been going on in our graphics department:
- Cascaded Shadow Maps with Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows, with penumbra size based on distance from occluder. It's a cheap approximation of real shadows, but it looks convincing enough! A video will be uploaded showing how it was implemented.
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, with normal-oriented hemisphere sample kernels.
- Water simulation using tesselation and compute shaders.
- Ragdolls! (No footage yet)
- Grass, using tesselation and geometry shaders (screenshots coming up).
- Subsurface scattering approximation a la Crysis, for vegetation.
In other news: we're going to compete in Swedish Game Awards 2014! Patrik and I (Gustav) will attend the conference in March, and we will do our best to get a prototype of the game running on whatever hardware is made available to us.
Sounds like a lot of awesome improvements! Good work :)
Thanks for the friendly comment! Morale was boosted +5 points.
Dang, I was really hoping for 6 points!
Looking great! I look forward to seeing more!