Johnny Boy, Red Moon's Kiss is a mature, episodic, gritty interactive drama series, shrouded in crime, secrets and the supernatural. A proper adaptation to werewolf fiction, with deep character development.
Play as John, a career criminal with a reprehensible past. Upon waking in an unknown hotel, bloodied, injured and having no memory of the last eight years, he struggles to make sense of his own disappearance. Tormenting nightmares and chronic pain overwhelms him, leading him down a path of insanity.
- Designed for the casual gamer.
- Story and cinematic scene heavy, with dialogue choices.
- No puzzles. No side-quests.
- Good vibes. Great voice acting.
- Combat increases in difficulty and complexity as the game progresses.
"Hello and welcome!
I thought it fitting to add our first bit of news. If you're here, then I'm sure you're already well informed on the first part: The JBRMK Store Page is now live!
Even though this is just the beginning, this day has been a long time coming. Unless disaster strikes, the Official, planned release date for Johnny Boy: Red Moon's Kiss - Episode 1, is January 31, 2022. Episodes 2 and 3 (DLC 1), Episodes 4 and 5 (DLC 2), and Episode 6 (DLC 3), will all release some time after, possibly 6+ months apart.
In the end, JBRMK will become a single, complete game with all 6 Episodes. After this milestone is completed, JBRMK will be submitted to consoles for review. Until then, let me know how you're enjoying the released content for JBRMK!"
- Solocub Entertainment
Steam Store Page - Johnny Boy: Red Moon's Kiss