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Yo! Unfortunately, PokeGen is going to have to slow down quite substantially after the December 1st update.

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Hey folks, another update of bad news (depending on your perspective of course).

To cut the crap right off the bat, we (primarily I (Xatoku)), are going to be taking something of a leave of absence after the December 1st update is released. Suffice it to say, life, demotivation, anger, and other personal things that I won't get into demands that I put things on an indefinite hiatus.

Indefinite meaning that I don't know how long it's going to take to get things back in order, but there's a lot of personal qualms that I have to sort out before I can make any more promises (most of which I've failed at keeping, anyhow, which is why I'm being as ambiguous as I can).

It's awesome to see the project having reached as much success as it has, but if we're all honest here, that's only because of the IP it's based off of. PokeGen's success mean's nothing more than a handful of happy fans, and unfortunately that's not enough for me to justify working on it - at least not right now. For the record, this is entirely on me - nobody else feels the same way that I'm aware of, which makes complete sense as again, it's a personal thing, so I've gone ahead and placed the mod db page under my name so that there's no misplacement of blame. Place it on me, and me alone.

Of course there's the unlikely possibility that fans will still make assets for the project in hopes of its return (which I very well intend for it to make, but again, I've got to sort some stuff out first), but I would recommend against it as it's incalculably unfair for me to take a hike while you guys keep making stuff. Just don't waste your time.

To bring even more bad news to light, I can't even promise much from the December 1st update. It's visually a tad more appealing, Nidorino has been added, and gaining experience/leveling up is a thing, but that's about it. I wanted to do so much more, at least for that update, but I just couldn't. Anyway, it'll still release as scheduled.

The obvious solution everyone will almost immediately go to is to just make it opensource and quit being an emo, arrogant, scumbag, but in all honesty, the game is in such an early stage that almost anyone could make something more down the road in terms of progression in about a month, so it isn't worth it. Personally, I've seen too many good ideas/projects get manipulated to a point where they both lose their sense of direction and what they were initially intending to be because of how opensourcing works. For my projects, I'm just not a fan of it.

Now as I said before, I'd really like to eventually come back to work on this thing - unlike my previous project Z Warrior Chronicles, this isn't a lack of motivation. I'm itching to make this juggernaut of a project - which started out as two goofballs half-way across the world from each other running around in a white room - a reality, but until I have enough personal stability, I simply can't.

Hope you guys understand, although I completely get it if you don't. Going to try my best to tidy my life up as fast as possible, and hopefully we can get back to those glorious biweekly updates. Until then, December's update will just have to do.

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XaviorTrikiri - - 195 comments


In other words... this'll end up like ZWC, except you wont admit it. It's cool. Just stop working on fan games and your "success" will be more likely.

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ChickenNoodle - - 28 comments

Well, I guess I agree with you. Except, maybe just end it if its becoming a problem.

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xPearse - - 2,462 comments


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JordyJS Author
JordyJS - - 271 comments

I agree.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

If this was a team project,there wouldnt be a need for haitus.
It seems a bit egoistic of you,this is my opinion and we all can have our own opinions.
Well,in the end maybe you are just afraid of the project popularity...
I hope for your fast return or assembling of a team that will bring the project to the finish :)
P.S.This just shows you arent a professional game developer,but I praise you for your honesty.

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beybladewolf - - 11 comments

I am sorry for this but what about your own game BEYBLADE SPINNING HEROES

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

hhh,yea I am not the one that should be giving advices about this,but there is diference.
I searched for people to make a team but noone wanted to join and contribute to the project like xatoku got for his game.
Xatoku is a coder/3D artist while I cant code that well.
And when xatoku is making the game even though he seems 1 man army isnt cuz of the people that help the project,while I was trully 1 man army.My project isnt dead,just going slowly.
I am probably in the similar position as xatoku in private life...

Cuz of the people that contribute the project and care for it I think xatoku should continue the project by any means necesary.While I dont have those people,it's 1000 times harder to succeed.
But I am not giving up on beyblade,just slowly rethinging everything to make it work together.

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SOMEGUY789 - - 57 comments

You know advice is still constructive even if it comes from someone who does not follow that advice themselves. If someone ignores advice because it comes from a hypocrite than they shouldn't listen to advice from a regular person either.

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ffsmandgfjgukhnjb - - 20 comments

" I am probably in the similar position as xatoku in private life..."

You assume too much.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

Similar...not the same.
I said that cuz lots of times stuff that happen in my private life affected my game development.
And I am not talking about minor things...

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RedKorss - - 243 comments

I doubt many that get started with this kind of game development are professionals. More like wanted a bigger challenge than modding.
No offense meant.

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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

well,nnk seems quite professional.And I had this feeling xatoku is try to be a professional as well.But what I mean is not the professinals you would see in companys like sony,nintendo..
idk how to explain :)

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Jawahal - - 6 comments

Bad news. Hope you return soon :)

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KayCornea - - 83 comments

I do understand you,or more like the phase you're going thru..gotten myself thru the same thing (only that i actually canceled the project at that time).So what i would want to say is: take your time,be yourself and create what you desire (that's the bestest thing to do at the moment)

When the time will come for you to continue,you will know,as you'll feel about the same level of inspiration and enthusiasm for the project as you had when you begun it all..At that moment all you'll need will be a little push (in my case it was a new highly skilled team member)

Don't worry about the complaints,i believe that you can honestly be criticized only by the ones who understand you,in other words the ones who went thru the same thing

Good Luck ;)

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Gigirs50 - - 178 comments

I agree with Blackdragonstory.For me this project seems(is) like a ''cheerful dictatorship'' because... if doesn't..the other members of the team could continue anyway...
For obvious reasons, i've always considerate this project only of Xatoku.
Anyway...i hope you will continue when you will resolve your problem..you know...hope is the last one to die.

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xPearse - - 2,462 comments

Ahh fudge, knew this would happen eventually especially when you said before you like to move on to a game you make yourself last time.

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Lon_Gwang - - 20 comments

With the scope of this project, it had to hit a block at some point. You gave it your all, man, and you shouldn't feel pressured to finish it if you aren't ready. If you ever feel like tackling it again (Pokémon pun not intended), you know you'll have an established audience, but ultimately, you should do what makes you happy.

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Lightningy - - 92 comments

i agree, don't feel down because you did something 80% of us didn't have the balls or skill to do. it is YOUR project and YOU choose where it goes. if you read this good luck and wish you well

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No_Chance - - 79 comments

Sad news indeed, anyhow i'll keep opening my pokegen launcher once in a while waiting for some good news, and when those news come i know you'll have some very happy fans to support you. Best of luck getting through this bad moment, we all want to see this come to life as it happens.

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Xofolez - - 197 comments

If I were talented enough to take this project on myself, I certainly would! Seeing this project that has high potential and anticipated to be a milestone in the Pokemon series (as it stands, it already is)crash, is like watching Chuck Norris kick a fat kid in the groin while the kid is holding a massive chocolate cake and sporting a smile as though it were Christmas morning. If your not going to work on it, allow the community to try and pick it up, community,I strongly suggest there be someone to step up and take the reigns over. Im not flaming to the loss of this game, but I really find it sad that it's beginning to sound like a drama-fest and thus needs a committed crew to work with, for, and/or beyond his work.

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Scizz - - 4 comments

Gotta do what you gotta do man. I hope you get on your feet, not just for the game, but for yourself.

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Guest - - 700,000 comments

just could you make a quick update about setting up server EASIER than doing other ****

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Swim4Live - - 238 comments

It's easy enough already... You just gotta have friends ;)

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yoho94 - - 5 comments

Oh well, this is where this project goes downhill. I mean i respect Xatoku life and all that, but it just seems so unfair to the ppl that have been there from the start. We offered help, you said this was a solo project, we tried funding you but you said you didn't want the money. I know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but the truth is SCREW this community its nothing like the community in the minecraft forums or even pokemmo. Make 1 small tiny mistake ppl gotta rub it in your face, talking about the high ppl like swim4life and all them. Thinking they freaking know everything. Actually, i'm kindof glad pokegen is going down... sorry y'all

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Swim4Live - - 238 comments

Before you say something, make sure you don't confuse stuff. I only respond to mistakes to help clearify things, nothing to do with "rubbing in your face". If I don't know the answer myself I won't respond. And what the heck? "High ppl"? We're just some guys who happen to be around for a long time, have seen almost every post on the forum and therefore share our knowledge with the new ppl. Maybe you're ****** with something but your reasoning is just wrong. Community had nothing to do with this decision and if you hate this community than just stay away.

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RedKorss - - 243 comments

I'm far from a high person, and neither is Swim4Life. People that have been around for a long enough time tend to pick up on things. And that goes for any project. People have personal life, and in projects like this that can get the releases from happening the way they were meant to be done.

And he have or at least had a donation link on the forum. He do not get the money per se, it goes towards funding his own studio later.

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SparkThePikachu - - 25 comments

I agree.

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Guest - - 700,000 comments

Fully understandable that you would prioritise your personal life, but I, and my friends, will look forward to your return, since this is concept of a pokemon game we have been waiting for since we first started playing Pokemon Red/Blue in the late 90's.

Hope to see your project completed, sincerly the Danish PokeFans

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rares215 - - 15 comments

Hell yeah!
Romanian PokeFans agree!

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Aeoncollider316 - - 2 comments

im a little sad for this but im fully supporotive of what your doing and i think your awesome for it.

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Aeoncollider316 - - 2 comments


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RedKorss - - 243 comments

Just wondering why innocent comments that said they hoped he got back quick and it did not take him a long time to get his life sorted out were down voted.
Don't you want him to have a good life? Or come back to this game?

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Guest - - 700,000 comments

I hope you come back fast for more updates ^^ and good luck.

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quadskilla - - 7 comments

selfish, imho

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SparkThePikachu - - 25 comments

Lol yea, look at his other project.

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Nico_Italian - - 19 comments

I'm not trying to say that you're being selfish, but I don't think you're seeing the potential here! This game, when finished and polished, CAN become the nicest looking and all around best Pokemon game on the web. Hands down. Iunno man, you have stuff to deal with. I get that. But really, how hard would It be to update monthly or something?

I just don't get why you would stop after starting something so damned perfect! I could list things like HM moves and Pokemon badges.. They're all examples of things that could make this game simply beautiful.

Also, I think it would be reasonable to charge maybe 9.99$ for this game. Idk how the patenting works and weather or not you're ALLOWED to charge, but I personally see great profit here.

Look, my opinion is my own and at the end of the day it's your call. Please don't leave this as "a project that never was" because it would simply be such a shame to loose something with such potential. Take care. Be smart. Good luck.

*I speak for those countless fans who would want so much more out of this game*

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rares215 - - 15 comments

I agree, but he can't sell the game, since it would be copyright. Forgot Nintendo owns Pokemon? :P

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jakeroo - - 1 comments

oh man, I knew this was coming :(

Well, I'm a lawyer and a concept artist (weird combination i know) and I would like to shed some light here in terms of the law problem that you're dealing with here.

In terms of using the Pokemon IP, Pokemon is not and can never be patented. Patent is only for technological inventions, we're dealing with copyright here. The one who holds the Copyright to Pokemon is Nintendo. A copyright is the exclusive right which is owned by the creator that can be extended after every 20 years (with other notions intact as stated within the TRIPs agreement) Exclusive rights meaning that the only party ELIGIBLE to receive funds from the IP is the creator, or another party in which the original creator gave its license and consent to do so. Any other act will be considered a violation of this international agreement and could be entangled into some pretty deep international civil law violations. The last thing we want here is Nintendo filing a dispute towards Xatoku.

So there is in NO way that Xatoku here can be eligible to receive funds on this project as it uses the Pokemon IP quite distinctively. You can't kickstart it, donate it, transfer in any way possible unless this project has received a legal letter from Nintendo to prove their consent of the usage of one of their IP. If you decide to be stubborn and keep trying to transfer the funds, you could also get into some legal problems which will complicate things further. So in legal terms, such projects are just to complex to materialize.

So like all other things, doing projects without economical reciprocity is quite hard to maintain especially when you have other things to do in your life and I fully understand Xatoku here. The state of this game is amazing and I really hope that someday this could be finished in which it'll look very awesome at its full potential.

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rares215 - - 15 comments

You sir, are the most badass lawyer ever.

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jamman88 - - 226 comments

While this is disappointing, I can completely understand this, I stopped all game development for almost 3 months due to something horrible in my life, and am only just starting to plan getting back into it, so please take what time you need :)

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Johny193 - - 11 comments

How is your another project doing? The one, which you once mentioned, you are going to start... I just wish u good luck and maybe someday, when your money income will be secured, u will return and i hope u will let us now, PokéGen is raising again :)

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ScubaSteve3465 - - 206 comments

Another kickass game that has so much potential is giving up.... happens far to often around here. Hope you change your mind and im sure all the other trackers feel the same.

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SparkThePikachu - - 25 comments

I get it. I didn't need a tl;dr message. You just don't wanna work on this project, or any project.

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ffsmandgfjgukhnjb - - 20 comments

The reaction this is getting gets on my nerves somewhat.
News flash people: Xatoku is a human being, he has a life, and can do what he likes with it. He owes none of you anything (it doesn't matter how long you've been following this project). He deserves your respect just for making it this far. After all the work he's put into it, he's entitled to keep his project to himself. Say you spent months painting a picture, and had only finished a small portion of it, would you just give it away and let someone else turn it into their painting? (inb4 you suck at painting)
Give the guy a rest already.

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anthonyvanlunteren - - 6 comments

i understand and respect your choice. i am only afraid that nintendo will put this project to an end while you're away so

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gersonsousa3979 - - 1 comments

I didn't understand exactly what you meant, but wanted to know ... What's the problem? Are you frustrated? It is with the game ... Or are you in times of trial? Whatever the problem, raises his head ... Look what you've done ... Someone else already put this into practice? A design like pokemon? If the problem is that life difficult ta .. Do not stop! If the game is, I not a programmer type "program looks like it! He is a master!" I know almost nothing, if so what can I say ... But I know that sometimes occurs a tough problem to solve ... Relax and invests in other functions of the game ... Once you look into the problem and find the answer suddenly.

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