As Howling Night progresses we want to have a great narrative in our horror game, we want to make the player feel what the character feels, fear, panic or even hope. We decided to transmit those emotions in dialogues thoughout the game, communicating with villagers, himself or even just simple thoughts, all of this written in dialogue boxes like most 2D games out there. Today we will only be showing a brief resume of the narrative, without spoiling much of the game.
About our characters:
Our main character is a wise old man that checks up on everything, making sure everyone is as safe as it can be. He is someone to look up for, always trying to help everyone at the village.
As for the people, they are traditional and sociable, trying to feed their family to live another day, by working, negotiating, and always doing favors for each other.
Lastly about our antagonist, the beast, a human like creature with black fur all over his body, a giant wolf in human skin over 2 meters in height that can walk in 2 legs or 4 legs. He is an uncontrollable animal, destroying everything in his path, murdering, eating and scaring everyone in the village. He lives in a cave near the place, where he feasts on raw corpses.
Now, about the story...
Our story takes place in our own world in the 20th century (1900) in Vouzela in a small monotonous village, surrounded by a dark creepy forest where creatures lurk in the darkness. In the village people live their normal lives trying to make a living out of their small farms. The village was populated and calm, where nothing unusual happened, just the day-to-day lives of the people.
As for the people, they are traditional and sociable, trying to feed their family to live another day, by working, negotiating, and always doing favors for each other. They are led by the chief of the village, a wise man that checks up on everything, making sure everyone is as safe as it can be.
One night he is awoken by a howl outside, grabs a lamp and goes check what was that loud noise. In a sudden he happens to stumble with a strange beast making a rampage at the village, spreading terror and fear over the calm village.
The houses had every window open, making him close every single one of them to make sure nobody could get hurt. However, that was something he didn’t had control off…
The beast then ran inside the dark forest dragging along the body of a victim, he took the body to a small cave, covered in leaves and bushes. He then ate the poor soul till there were only bones left.
The creature came every single full moon, hunting for its next victim. The most memorable thing was the noises it made, it would growl, run, and howl.
No villager could leave their houses at night, the fear of the unknown ruled over that place.
Their daily life changed, the village became dark and depressive, they were afraid of living there. It was rumored that it was a werewolf, nobody knew who it was, although some people had some suspects, from everything they saw. From that day, every single night the windows were closed, and all the doors shut.
That is all for this week update guys, we hope you liked the idea being our story, we tried our best to stay true to the legend and at the same time make up a well written narrative.
Thank you everyone, see you next week.
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