For our most recent update to Cube Shooty, we focused on polishing up existing features and aesthetics. We got some positive feedback on our Beta build control scheme, so we spent time fixing bugs with that and tweaking it to be more fluid. We also finalized our tutorial to guide players through all of the controls before the game begins. We simplified our controls and features a bit to make sure players feel in control and aren’t overwhelmed with too many mechanics. We also cleaned up our aesthetics, added a space background, and added a score and timer to help motivate the gameplay. We also worked on balancing and pace. We added a way for players to have more control over the pace of the game by allowing them to start a wave early. We did a few small bug fixes, like allowing players to keep towers in their inventory when they place one and destroying fireballs that go out of range. Taken together, these changes make Cube Shooty more accessible and put the player in control of how they experience the game.
Further updates to the game would likely focus even more on balancing and pacing, and maybe give players control over the difficulty of the game. Players looking for more challenge could start the game with fewer lives or earn less gold, while newer players could play a slower paced game with more lives and gold. We could also add more polish to the title and end screens and include sound and graphics settings.
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