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All about Grenade Launchers, the delectable Red category Alt weapon.

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Do you like watching things explode? Of course you do. Now then, the delivery method for your precious explosives is something that actually can warrant a slight amount of favoritism. Some enjoy explosive catapults, others prefer the tried and true method of simply throwing several sticks of TNT tied to a stick. Some however, including yours truly, just love the elegance of the Grenade Launcher. Apparently the future doesn't like these for some reason. All of the ones we've been able to find have been relegated to being attached to the bottom of some silly looking rifle with duct tape.

Grenade Launchers, along with their Rocket Launcher brethren, fall into the Red category of weapons, the explosive launchers. In an orchestra of violence, rocket launchers would be the flute, precise instruments capable of delivering high damage payloads. Grenade Launchers would be the guy in the back with the giant timpani drum thing banging out large explosions in a several meter radius. They excell at damaging large groups of enemies, throwing out large numbers of explosives at a time, and saturating an area in projectiles.

A beautiful orchestra of destruction.

See isn't learning about music so much more fun when explosions are involved? Here are some of the instruments you'll be playing in BLOODCRUSHER II: RETURN TO FORTRESS DOOMENSTEIN.

WARNING: Point away from face.

We believe that you future people refer to this kind of weapon as a "Noob tube". Like with every other gun, lets start with the body. This one is rocking a side loader, which increases the speed of your projectiles by like, a lot, at the cost of some reload speed. It is also using a standard barrel, which has no upsides besides allowing you to shoot explosives, but it has no downsides! As a bonus, this launcher is also rocking a grip and a flashlight, which increase accuracy and provide you with some extra lighting respectively.

Grenade launcher grenades are really special, and are made up of a collection of three parts; a base, a fuse, and a boom! This one in particular has a bullet base, which is the standard, arcing sort, an impact-activated timed fuse, which either goes off on impact with an enemy, or a few seconds after it hits a wall, and a standard HE projectile. So if you hit a target, it'll blow them to bits, but if you miss by a little bit it still might get them a moment later!

I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb...

To continue on our merry explosives laden way, lets look at this pump body! Unlike the side loader, you can fire quite quickly, though your projectile speed will suffer a bit. The barrel on this gun is also curved, which basically turns it into your own miniature mortar. It also has a range sight and a Cherry Bombers badge. The ranged sight increased projectile distance, while the badge make your gun look radder. A radder gun means larger explosions. That's just science.

The first part of the grenade itself, the superball, makes the projectiles bounce all over the place. The proxy fuse ensures that your grenades will explode only when maximum carnage would ensue. The buckshot means that you are effectively shooting shotguns out of your grenade launcher! Each projectile that explodes launches six miniature projectiles, which you will love, your enemies will hate, and some third party will do some other third thing! Its a win-lose-who knows!

Illegal in several dimensions. Some restrictions may apply.

Finally, we have an automatic launcher, which basically destroys your ammunition at a blistering pace. The spread barrel hurts your accuracy, but seeing as you're firing explosions, you will always hit something. The fin sight increases damage, somehow, while the laser rangefinder helps you figure out how far away your enemies are. If this was a math course you could use that range to calculate the precise angle to launch your projectile at, but this isn't a math course! Fire that ****ing thing! By this point I should not have to explain the bayonet, but just to make sure it is understood, it looks totally rad doesn't it?

Its grenades have a spike base, which lodges them into surfaces that they hit (including the eyes of your enemies). The long timer is like the regular timer, only it takes a few more seconds to charge. These seconds are spent packing for explosions than is entirely reasonable into these grenades. Lastly, and most importantly, these particular grenades have shrapnel, which fill the air with a lot of things that you probably wouldn't want anywhere near, well anything really.

Tune in next week, when we discuss the Unique Weapon mechanic.

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WeeGee9000 - - 1,643 comments

beautiful orchestra :D

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Chosenlama - - 148 comments


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numbersix - - 2,244 comments

from Equilibrium:
"All firearms are always loaded. No exceptions. Dont pretend this is true; be deadly serious about it."

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numbersix - - 2,244 comments

>effectively shooting shotguns out of your grenade launcher
Not having this is an oversight that was long overdue to be fixed!

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Woozle - - 2,620 comments

I'm just here to lay some pipe... On another note these look a hell of alot like something the Orks would make.

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open_sketchbook Author
open_sketchbook - - 1,602 comments

If I could go into that a moment...

The early Space Orks from 40k derived a lot of their look from the UK punk subculture of the late 70s and 80s. That same subculture floated across the pond and ended up blending with the West Coast fashions circa the early 1990s. At the same time, the UK had a bit of a punk revival, represented by stuff like the Tank Girl comics, which I reference heavily. So really, they look similar because they are inspired by the same source material.

The weapons and hero textures for Bloodcrusher are derived from punk, grunge and riot grrrl stuff mixed with the designs of Doom and other early shooters. By contrast, the villainous elements are sort of a midpoint between Dark Age Rob Liefeld comics, 2000AD titles like Judge Dredd, and 2nd ed Warhammer 40,000 mechanical design.

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Dutchygamer - - 872 comments

As a fanatic TF2 Demoman player, I cannot say anything else then this has my sign of approval. KABLOEY!

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Rus[T] - - 1,161 comments

Looks more like the grenade launcher of good 'ol TFC, good memories :D.

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Protroid - - 654 comments

There are grenade launcher parts that cause a launcher to function similarly to both the primary and secondary weapons of the TF2 Demoman.

And as a TF2 Spy player *Backstabs*

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TLhikan - - 133 comments

The world needs more buckshot-launching grenades.

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TLhikan - - 133 comments

And we mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

Still waiting for that coffee maker and the kitchen sink Mr. Sketchbook.

And where are those chainsaw nunchucks?

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RancidRandy - - 663 comments

I loved the s**t out of each Quake (excluding 4, we all know it was a flop) ever since my first try as a kid, still do very much. That being said, I know I will love every bit of this game!

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Rus[T] - - 1,161 comments

A Gif of perfection.. I love to read your articles, very informative and funny.

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Protroid - - 654 comments

We, and when I say we I mean people who are totally in the 90s try our hardest! Thanks!

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