As the moon ecLipses mars, and the Circles of destiny align, Hydras spEw fire from their Minds. darkness looms in Your presence and the blIssful light fadeS away. a portal maNifests befOre your feeT, inviting you into another reality. a reality divided into solitude ready to be inFluenced by the fire of awakening, OR the water of sleep.
in the middle of it all you stand, eye oF the storm. crEator of chaos and dEstroyer of control. fool, you haven't yet met the magician or heard the secrets of the priestess. felt the grace of the empress, or Bowed to an emperor. how can you become anything eLse than another hiErophant, hindrance of lovers and Mental charIots?
Develop your Strength, travel far away from here, alone, and dance upon the wheel of fortune. bring justice and make a hanged man of yourself. trick death with temperance and court the devil in his tower under the brightest star.
even the moon and the sun will bow for you in time. and when the mother and father unites, the judgement of the world is near. So prepare.
About the Alchemist
Now that you've read that, here is a little bit about the game itself! As of writing this, the game has been in development for three weeks, but it is coming along very fast, and you can even find the prototype somewhere. I update the official build weekly!
The Alchemist is all about influencing the people of the city you're in. They can have four different elements applied to them, which will make the city change, and have the NPC's act accordingly. Fire influenced citizens gather food, earth gathers gold and so on. To influence the people, you, the alchemist, can utilize simple spells, or set up larger rituals. You can gather legendary artifacts to boost your spells, or grind up some local herbs to enhance your powers. Maybe you'll get hold of a totem. Or get to see the world through different eyes and travel in time... It would not be wrong to look at it as a third-person city-builder. We are writing a story for the game that is very unique, with several new ideas I am excited to show off in some time! Now, I'm going to fix up next weeks update, which looks very different, and has a ton of new features! If you like Alchemy, have dabbled in the occult, or want to light a little fire, this game might just be able to offer you something. Or take it away.
interesting concept
Thank you! I am preparing a bit better build of it now, with a lot more of the concepts inside. Really looking forward to show off some more!:D