Hey all,
Multiplayer should now be playable! Lots of work went into synchronizing the basics between players, but there is still much work to be done. Robots, boxes, weather, behavior, damage, flying, grappling hooks, hoverboards, telelocators, weapons & more should all sync up to make for a fun multiplayer experience. However, more advanced & planned features like trading items, sharing quests and the "merge" mode haven't been implemented yet. Also, things might be a little jumpy, particularly with flying guys at times. Please report any feedback with multiplayer gaming!
The multiplayer system uses Twitter to match up players -- make sure you guys follow @3089game to see when players are starting new games & looking to play multiplayer!
I've also made some tweaks to reduce burden limitations (thanks to feedback, including Fedora G4mer's video). Complete changes can be viewed here!
What is next? I hope to add a bit more variety to the weapons, maybe add some new projectile types. I also want to get more multiplayer features implemented.
OK, back to work!
- Phr00t
First thing I'm doing is changing the color of the player from purple to a light gray, looks much better :P Let me know if you have any more feedback in the forums & thank you all!
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