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I'm a huge gamer and I love my girlfriend a lot she's my world, I love anime and Sao, bleach, naruto, and others and I'm excited to see if nervegear will ever be possible and if vrmmo will happen in the next 5 years.

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Sao graphics

Zackbizjak Blog

I would really enjoy seeing sword art online with graphics as good as skyrim or final fantasy 13. I believe that game would be nominated or would become game of the year if someone pulled off those graphics for the game, but my hopes are high and expectations low because I can only sit back and see what happens and where it goes from here, from all I've seen they are pretty good and still being devolved but I know they can all be better within time.

Sao and nervegear

Zackbizjak Blog

I fell in love with Sao last weekend and it's absolutely brilliant to think that this really could happen, a game that's really a vrmmo that you are actually your avatar, that you feel, taste, smell, see, and hear all that's going on in the game like it's actually real, I've always dreamed of this happening, that one day a company would make this possible my only fears of this is, they won't get it exactly the way it should, with Sao, you are your own person who makes your own storyline, you are the main character, along side of soooo many other people who are real as well on ther own adventure and guild and all that wonderful stuff that us gamers really look for In a game, that we have been waiting for, for a long time, my fear is that they won't see what we want as gamers, that they won't watch the anime Sao so they known what to make the game, I fear they'll limit it to you are only the main character like it's always been for years when they make an anime into a game, I know big company's are on the fast track of making a vr helmet and I know within the next 5 years that we will possible have the real nervegear, we have all the technology I've researched it all, it's just putting a team together to make it work correctly without fail, my thing is I just hope they don't screw this up, I have faith in these gaming company's and the small ones that they can do it and it really saddens me that they won't team up together to make something so amazing and brilliant that would change the world, but they focus on money mainly and that's something I know will eventually make them fail and I truly don't want that to happen because I know they can do it, I mean all they have to do really is hear us gamers out and see what we want and how we want it.