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Pure old school gamer. Mod maker. Texture artist.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 1,052)
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Its "Clone install of Stalker SHOC" not COP my bad typo.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

It will

Good karma0 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Its possible that when I deleted some of those trolls any sub post below the original one gets deleted with the batch?

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Go with SmP v2.4. For now.

Good karma-4 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

There will be an option to create your own hidden stash spot. We've restored the amk stashes feature that Kanyhalos removed in OL. So you use your GPS to make a note in your map so you can remember where you created your hidden stash site. Through trial and error you can find a good spot that npc's wont rob you hahahaa...

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

As long as people remain civil with there criticisms I don't mind it. Once a person goes too far aka trolls then I will remove them.

Good karma-1 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

I do understand you fanatics. I too enjoy stalker. I hate shooters. but stalker there is something special about it. I can't stop playing it and improving it. But sadly the free time I used to have is limited now.

SmP will be finished.

Good karma+3 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

I will update once I have something to update you with. Again I'm repeating myself. I will put info once I have something worthy to put. I'm not going to answer all the questions on here. I have RL first and this is second. I mentioned before I will be on from time to time. Not as much as I was in the past. I have responsibilities in real life that comes first. SmP v2.5 is in the works and when we have something to offer we will. Not before.

I know its not what you want to hear. But I'm sorry no one pays us. We do this for free on our own time. Until then there are plenty of mods to keep you busy and other games. Stalker nor SmP is running away.

I will update the page when I feel its time. Be patient and its only a game dude. :)

Peace all.


Good karma+6 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Soon when I have something worthy to show.

Good karma0 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

We don't have numbers like a game company has. we have a few guys working. Yes it takes time. Also they do it on there spare time. This isnt a job for us. It won't be a job. Just for fun. There are plenty of games to play while we work on SmP. When it comes out it will be worth the wait.

Good karma-1 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Not interested in working on someone else's project. I prefer to work on my own when that time comes.

I have a story line written that's my goal down the road. But first is to finish SmP v2.5. :)

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

They do occasionally drop perfect guns. its rare. But most guns are damaged. Some worse than others. You need to repair them. In SmP v2.5 you can disassemble them and use there parts to build new ones. Instead of selling the scraps you can salvage there parts. Those parts are stored in a case. :)

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Sorry My chat room crashed my rig the other day. I've been busy trying to figure out what caused it. Going to see what's happening with the crew morrow.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

It is But you need to run windows 64bit to take advantage of all the good stuff. It will run in 32bit OS but very unstable.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

I'm not going to make a mod for clearsky. Never like its. I actually busted my DVD once I mastered the game years ago. The only two endings possible. One killing strelok and the other letting him make it to the end. Both resulted same ending. Aside from the early bugs. The game sucked bit time. I won't touch crap. At lease COP was a major improvement and gave me that old feeling similar to SHOC when it came out.

Good karma0 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4


Its alive and breathing. :)

Good karma-8 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

np. Trolls are everywhere. But at least we can remove them. My boys are working on something with the vehicle. I'm waiting for some surprises hehe.. I'll let you know when I know more.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

yes 32bit will work and will be more stable with SmP v2.5. One of the big problems was the bugs. Game engine I can't fix that will kill you in the end with 32bit OS. I didn't make the game. i'm fixing what I'm permitted to do. Editing DLL files I would need Hex editing and I'm no matrix master to read that. I've tried it years ago with another game. Script writing is much easier in lua than that stuffs. :p

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

You need 64bit to run all the bells and whistles.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Same firepower.. But more stable Shouldn't have any more bug glitches. The only real glitch will be system power.

I can't fix that.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Videos are improved version not smp 2.4 We've dealt with alot of the bugs. Those vids are early version of SmP v2.5 You need a powerful rig to handle the game and the rig needs 64bit OS to run properly. 32bit can't cut it. I've tried. Once SmP v2.5 is out it will be much more stable. Many of the bugs have been fixed. For your rig.. Dunno. Start with the lowest graphic settings. and slowly improve them see where it starts to become unstable.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

You need to lower your settings. your system can't handle it. I don't have those issue. Fire is one of the reasons why GSC didn't finish there Flame thrower. To graphic intense for its times.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Try using 7zip to extract the file. Instead of using the extractor. Also backup your 3 bin files. You may need to reinstall the game before you try again.

Good karma+1 vote
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Yes we've removed those binoc. I believe they sometimes switch to binoc in there inventory and ai assumes its a gun. With the edited XGame.ddl it acts like a gun so. Thats my theory. The script still animates the event just without a binoc in there inventory. There are also other possible causes that the scripter are working on.

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Negative. SmP 3.0 will be for COP engine. SmP 2.5 will be the last for the SHOC engine

Good karma+4 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

I've had the concept for COP done already. Its on hold for SmP 3.0 in COP engine.

I'm just waiting for one or two features to be done. then the patch will come and I can start testing the new items. Basically making sure those new scripts are working. Also to make sure no files are missing.

Once that is done then I can make a trailer and some pics show you guys the new stuff.

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

lol no... I have two script masters who are busting there eyeballs through thousands of lines of code.... They've tackled stuff even the mighty god wouldn't even bother touching...

Really... They've edited stuff most other modders don't want to touch because its scary what GSC did to the game. There is soo much left over crap bad code typos etc... Then there is whipping up new code or a bypass to make something normally not work work. There was some AMK bugs two and some old Oblivion lost stuff messed up. The exact detail of these broken lines? I have no idea... These two scriptwriters are in a league of there own.. I have respect for there effort and discipline. So yes it takes time. If I had these guys when I started SmP would have been finish ages ago.

Worst is over that. They are just finishing up the last script bugs of a new feature of the game.. No new that it delayed this mod passed Christmas due date just stuff that needed fine tuning before they can release it. I'm sure you guys understand that no CTDs is preferred. Nice to play a game that is stable.

We now have models and animation in the making.. Thanks to new guy who is willing to fix some of the worst visual glitches. No we're not redoing all the the guns and people and background stuff. Just stuff that was missing or need medical aid hehe..

Be patient, there are quiet times in between.. Don't give up. we are here. :)

Good karma+3 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ updated Main menu

No this is a still image. in the little pocket pc you can see options choices you can click on them and they show up new backround screens. The old vid is still there as one of the alt window selection.

The little beheaded bloodsucker is animated hehe... beware of its red gaze.... you will turn to stone lol...

Also those buttons on the pocket pc is working.. clicking on those will open menu options...

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ updated Main menu

one of the main menu options you can change in game...

Good karma+2 votes
wolfehunter - - 1,052 comments @ Super Mod Pack 2.4

Its delayed. I'm waiting for the updates for the next beta patch. I can't release any vids or screen till I have it. :) Once I have it you will have some teasers.

Good karma-4 votes