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Comment History
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ 14-04-2020

Bro I thoguht it was dead! This makes me so happy! Your textures and styles are amazing! I dreamt your mod would be out soon! Im so happy you are still making it! Can we have a warband version too! Glad you are enjoying bannerlord!

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ sparta 3.0

I’d remove the cape symbols too, how about adding a trim around the cape, like the one around the spartan shield.

Good karma+2 votes
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Ancient time : Hegemony of Heroes

Add custom troops would be soo dope

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Ancient time : Hegemony of Heroes

When does it come out bruh?

Good karma+2 votes
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Bellum Imperii

Add player custom troops and troop tree for lager kindom or as mercanaries maybe?

Good karma+4 votes
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Full Invasion 2

Logged on to try the Mod out, download latest file 1.2. Joined the Osiris NA1 FI invasion server. Was kicked and immediatley banned not even 3 seconds in the server. Didnt even get to try the mod. DOWNvoted

Good karma+2 votes
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ A World Of Warriors

Please add custom troop trees for player kingdom

Good karma+3 votes
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Advancement

Please custom troop treeeees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the player kingdom!

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Tainted Paths

Add custom troops trees please.

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ wishlist

Custom troop trees for player kingdom. Decapitations too?

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ For Rome

Custom troop trees will be added, and decapitations?

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Ancient time : Hegemony of Heroes

When is the mod being ready releases? Also, could you add custom troop trees for the player kingdom?
And maybe decapitations ? Mod looks amazing keep it up!!

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Crusade Against Jihad

How do i get my cart back someone killed him cant make another one wtf.
And theres also nothing new about formations, they are standard formations. No rows, no special formations. v3.4

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Tohlobaria 0.6 : Cavalry duel

Sick bro, implaying this mod before fall semester!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
WheresBannerlord? - - 15 comments @ Ancient time : Hegemony of Heroes

Hey Count_Romann! Here are a few suggestions I have for your mod! By no means should you feel obligated to implement any of these things, as I know you already have alot on your hands! But I would be grateful if you took a look at some of my ideas!

Player's horse figurine, "World Map"-I Have noticed that despite what status you gain, you still use the same boring old horse while the lords ride their beautiful steeds! So what I wanted to suggest is with each change the players horse avatar could change as-well to better immerse as-well as bring a feeling of status. "King-would receive kings horse avatar" Lord- lord horse avatar- adventurer- adventurer horse avatar, etc. You could get creative with it!

Decapitate and dismember! This is a mod which adds dismembering and decapitations in battle to further immerse the player's battle experience!I know there is a mod that already does this, it's called decapitate and dismember, perhaps you could implement it into your mod as-well?

Custom troops! Perhaps you could add custom troops like that of Prohpesy of Pendor's custom knights!

Lions and other animals such as elephants or dogs being used in battle! This is ofcourse Inspired By Rome Total war 2!
That is all, these things really bugged when mods did not have them, but by no means should you feel obligated to do this! Just a thought, thanks!

Good karma+2 votes