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A small update.

Vixel3d Blog

I just wanted to write an update for my current work load.
I've finished modelling the main character, Momoko, for Legend of the Peach Girl. I'm currently on the unwrap stage. I should finish the unwrap today and create the basic texture ready for critique from the rest of the team.
Momoko Concept Art

I've also started the character for Crusader's Quest. It's still got a way to go. I need to add the feet (obviously lol) and hair planes. Then I need to check it for any errors and finally tweak it so that it looks like the concept art.

I've also joined up for another mod, Earth's Special Forces. I've been asked to create an entire map for them! First time I've ever attempted something on such a grand scale. I'm really hoping I can produce what they need me to do :D
That's all for now
<3 Vix

Character Modelling. Me? O.o

Vixel3d Blog

A few weeks ago I made a post in the recruitment forums on this site hoping to get myself back into 3D. I was hoping to do environment or prop work as it's something I found enjoyable at uni. However the 2 groups I've joined asked if it would be ok if I did some characters for them. I'm an agreeable person, so I said "sure". Then the doubt crept in....I have always found character work difficult because of meshflow. Surprisingly it wasn't something we were taught at uni, so the only information I have is from browsing websites and piecing it together myself.
I was utterly convinced these characters were going to be the death of me. But I was wrong! I've actually really enjoyed working on the first character and although she isn't finished it's coming along rather nicely.

I've just set up the Max file for the 2nd character that I have to build and I am hoping it will be as enjoyable as the first. I've also got my fingers crossed that I can do it in less time. I am unfortunately a very slow modeller, and I would love to be able to knock out a character in a day rather than a week!
Practice makes perfect as they say!

Getting started

Vixel3d Blog

I was a bit daunted at first about the new 3DS Max 2011! It's such a huge jump from 3DS Max 8. I had to watch the tutorials to see how to apply a texture lol. Although I must say I found it odd that I have to press multiple buttons just to bring me back to the old material editor. I'm sure there is a point to them all, but for now it seems just like something that's purely there to make it look pretty!
Anyways, art wise I've set up the file for main character in Peach girl. I'm hoping to get a started on it today :) Still a bit of a pain though as I don't have a desk set up to work on. Max isn't very friendly using a track pad on a laptop!
I've also been in touch with the Quests of the Crusaders mod. I'm going to be making one of the children for them.
That's all for now folks!

Max 2011

Vixel3d Blog

huzzah! Finally got myself a legit copy of 3DS Max! Now I just need to get my desk sorted, so that I can work on my laptop easily. Hopefully that will be set up by the end of the week. I think I'm going to be surrounded by boxes, and in the middle of my fort there will be be building models :D
I've joined 2 mods, one of them looks pretty advanced and I'm hoping to learn a lot from them. The other is in the early stages and looks like it's going to be a lot of fun to work on! I've got a character to build for the second mod. A little Japanese girl in a kimono. Hopefully I can do it justice :)
Really looking forward to getting back into 3D again! Squeee~


Vixel3d Blog

Hello all!
I'm an ex Computer and Video Game design student. I graduated in Summer 2009 with First Class Honours! After all the hard work I put in, I was totally burnt out, so I took a break. Which brings me to the current day. I'm finally ready to get back into 3D again! I'm really excited to start working again.