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Virtual Blitz Gaming is a Gaming Team that consists of numerous players across different games and consoles. It was founded in 2011, by PsychoShade and Bash(Qc). We support ArmA 3, Insurgency, Mount and Blade and several other titles. Check out our website for server information.

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VirtualBlitzGaming Blog

The Battlefield is our home, and it can be your's as well. Interested in seeing where the action is going down? Our ARMA 3 troops are some of the best soldiers you will ever have the pleasure to stand beside on the battlefield. We pride ourselves in our tactical teamwork, combat manuevers, and other various tactical skillsets, that each of our members has. Virtual Blitz Gaming is made up of the most geniune, friendly, and respectable players around the world. We welcome any and all players with open arms. Virtual Blitz Gaming would be no where, without the dedication and self-less service from our members. Members dedicate themselves because they want to, not because they want to reap rewards. With that being siad, to all our members past or present. Thank you for contributing in making VBG what we are today.

- PsychoShade
Founder of Virtual Blitz Gaming