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Second Post- A Theory I Have.

tropicalman2000 Blog

I suppose you have all seen the trailer for FNAF 4 by now and I know that the hype train is now fully fueled and ready to start going! So anyway, its time to get to the point. Here's my theory. I believe that this game takes place sometime in the FNAF 2 area in the timeline of FNAF games. This game could be centered around the purple man's killings right after they happened, so then we see the animatronics that he stuffed the kids into as complete nightmares. In other words, the past is coming back to haunt him and now he realizes the consequences of what he's done. Also, in the trailer we can see the Foxy mask or head or whatever it really is. You have to open the closet to look at it. What does this remind you of? Yes, that's right, Pirate's Cove and its curtain you have to look through in order to find Foxy. In the trailer we can also see Bonnie. Bonnie comes from the left side of the room that the trailer takes place in. Just like in the first FNAF. So maybe this could mean that the Purple Guy was a night guard and is so traumatized by his previous occupation that he still believes that he still is trying to keep them away from him, even though he is in his house and not in any of the pizzeria locations. So, that's kind of what my theory is, I don't really think its THAT good of a theory, but comment what you think of it below!

First Post- Beginning the Journey. Or Something.

tropicalman2000 Blog

Hello! You all know me. Probably. If you're reading this then you must know me through my comments that are as long as books. If you don't me at all, then how did you get here and why are you reading this?? Just kidding. Anyway, since this is my first "blog" post, I won't really have that much stuff to say. I guess you guys can suggest things for me to talk about and I'll do that. I'll probably update this way too much. Other than that, I don't think there are that many other subjects to touch up on at the moment, so bye!